point.gen.go.tmpl 6.51 KB
package influxql

import (

	internal "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/influxql/internal"

{{range .}}

// {{.Name}}Point represents a point with a {{.Type}} value.
// See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.
type {{.Name}}Point struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Nil   bool
	Value {{.Type}}
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32

func (v *{{.Name}}Point) name() string       { return v.Name }
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) tags() Tags         { return v.Tags }
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) time() int64        { return v.Time }
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) nil() bool          { return v.Nil }
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) value() interface{} {
	if v.Nil {
		return nil
	return v.Value
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) aux() []interface{} { return v.Aux }

// Clone returns a copy of v.
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) Clone() *{{.Name}}Point {
	if v == nil {
		return nil

	other := *v
	if v.Aux != nil {
		other.Aux = make([]interface{}, len(v.Aux))
		copy(other.Aux, v.Aux)

	return &other

// CopyTo makes a deep copy into the point.
func (v *{{.Name}}Point) CopyTo(other *{{.Name}}Point) {
	*other = *v
	if v.Aux != nil {
		other.Aux = make([]interface{}, len(v.Aux))
		copy(other.Aux, v.Aux)

func encode{{.Name}}Point(p *{{.Name}}Point) *internal.Point {
  return &internal.Point{
    Name:       proto.String(p.Name),
    Tags:       proto.String(p.Tags.ID()),
    Time:       proto.Int64(p.Time),
    Nil:        proto.Bool(p.Nil),
    Aux:        encodeAux(p.Aux),
		Aggregated: proto.Uint32(p.Aggregated),

    {{if eq .Name "Float"}}
      FloatValue: proto.Float64(p.Value),
    {{else if eq .Name "Integer"}}
      IntegerValue: proto.Int64(p.Value),
    {{else if eq .Name "String"}}
      StringValue: proto.String(p.Value),
    {{else if eq .Name "Boolean"}}
      BooleanValue: proto.Bool(p.Value),

func decode{{.Name}}Point(pb *internal.Point) *{{.Name}}Point {
  return &{{.Name}}Point{
    Name:       pb.GetName(),
    Tags:       newTagsID(pb.GetTags()),
    Time:       pb.GetTime(),
    Nil:        pb.GetNil(),
    Aux:        decodeAux(pb.Aux),
		Aggregated: pb.GetAggregated(),
    Value:      pb.Get{{.Name}}Value(),

// {{.name}}Points represents a slice of points sortable by value.
type {{.name}}Points []{{.Name}}Point

func (a {{.name}}Points) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a {{.name}}Points) Less(i, j int) bool {
	if a[i].Time != a[j].Time {
		return a[i].Time < a[j].Time
	return {{if ne .Name "Boolean"}}a[i].Value < a[j].Value{{else}}!a[i].Value{{end}}
func (a {{.name}}Points) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }

// {{.name}}PointsByValue represents a slice of points sortable by value.
type {{.name}}PointsByValue []{{.Name}}Point

func (a {{.name}}PointsByValue) Len() int           { return len(a) }
{{if eq .Name "Boolean"}}
func (a {{.name}}PointsByValue) Less(i, j int) bool { return !a[i].Value }
func (a {{.name}}PointsByValue) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Value < a[j].Value }
func (a {{.name}}PointsByValue) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }

// {{.name}}PointsByTime represents a slice of points sortable by value.
type {{.name}}PointsByTime []{{.Name}}Point

func (a {{.name}}PointsByTime) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a {{.name}}PointsByTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Time < a[j].Time }
func (a {{.name}}PointsByTime) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }

// {{.name}}PointByFunc represents a slice of points sortable by a function.
type {{.name}}PointsByFunc struct {
	points []{{.Name}}Point
	cmp    func(a, b *{{.Name}}Point) bool

func (a *{{.name}}PointsByFunc) Len() int           { return len(a.points) }
func (a *{{.name}}PointsByFunc) Less(i, j int) bool { return a.cmp(&a.points[i], &a.points[j]) }
func (a *{{.name}}PointsByFunc) Swap(i, j int)      { a.points[i], a.points[j] = a.points[j], a.points[i] }

func (a *{{.name}}PointsByFunc) Push(x interface{}) {
	a.points = append(a.points, x.({{.Name}}Point))

func (a *{{.name}}PointsByFunc) Pop() interface{} {
	p := a.points[len(a.points)-1]
	a.points = a.points[:len(a.points)-1]
	return p

func {{.name}}PointsSortBy(points []{{.Name}}Point, cmp func(a, b *{{.Name}}Point) bool) *{{.name}}PointsByFunc {
	return &{{.name}}PointsByFunc{
		points: points,
		cmp: cmp,

// {{.Name}}PointEncoder encodes {{.Name}}Point points to a writer.
type {{.Name}}PointEncoder struct {
	w io.Writer

// New{{.Name}}PointEncoder returns a new instance of {{.Name}}PointEncoder that writes to w.
func New{{.Name}}PointEncoder(w io.Writer) *{{.Name}}PointEncoder {
	return &{{.Name}}PointEncoder{w: w}

// Encode{{.Name}}Point marshals and writes p to the underlying writer.
func (enc *{{.Name}}PointEncoder) Encode{{.Name}}Point(p *{{.Name}}Point) error {
	// Marshal to bytes.
	buf, err := proto.Marshal(encode{{.Name}}Point(p))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Write the length.
	if err := binary.Write(enc.w, binary.BigEndian, uint32(len(buf))); err != nil {
		return err

	// Write the encoded point.
	if _, err := enc.w.Write(buf); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// {{.Name}}PointDecoder decodes {{.Name}}Point points from a reader.
type {{.Name}}PointDecoder struct {
	r     io.Reader
	stats IteratorStats

// New{{.Name}}PointDecoder returns a new instance of {{.Name}}PointDecoder that reads from r.
func New{{.Name}}PointDecoder(r io.Reader) *{{.Name}}PointDecoder {
	return &{{.Name}}PointDecoder{r: r}

// Stats returns iterator stats embedded within the stream.
func (dec *{{.Name}}PointDecoder) Stats() IteratorStats { return dec.stats }

// Decode{{.Name}}Point reads from the underlying reader and unmarshals into p.
func (dec *{{.Name}}PointDecoder) Decode{{.Name}}Point(p *{{.Name}}Point) error {
	for {
		// Read length.
		var sz uint32
		if err := binary.Read(dec.r, binary.BigEndian, &sz); err != nil {
			return err

		// Read point data.
		buf := make([]byte, sz)
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(dec.r, buf); err != nil {
			return err

		// Unmarshal into point.
		var pb internal.Point
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &pb); err != nil {
			return err

		// If the point contains stats then read stats and retry.
		if pb.Stats != nil {
			dec.stats = decodeIteratorStats(pb.Stats)

		// Decode into point object.
		*p = *decode{{.Name}}Point(&pb)

		return nil
