rhh.go 5.78 KB
package rhh

import (


// HashMap represents a hash map that implements Robin Hood Hashing.
// https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/research/tr/1986/CS-86-14.pdf
type HashMap struct {
	hashes []int64
	elems  []hashElem

	n          int64
	capacity   int64
	threshold  int64
	mask       int64
	loadFactor int

func NewHashMap(opt Options) *HashMap {
	m := &HashMap{
		capacity:   pow2(opt.Capacity), // Limited to 2^64.
		loadFactor: opt.LoadFactor,
	return m

// Reset clears the values in the map without deallocating the space.
func (m *HashMap) Reset() {
	for i := int64(0); i < m.capacity; i++ {
		m.hashes[i] = 0
	m.n = 0

func (m *HashMap) Get(key []byte) interface{} {
	i := m.index(key)
	if i == -1 {
		return nil
	return m.elems[i].value

func (m *HashMap) Put(key []byte, val interface{}) {
	// Grow the map if we've run out of slots.
	if m.n > m.threshold {

	// If the key was overwritten then decrement the size.
	overwritten := m.insert(HashKey(key), key, val)
	if overwritten {

func (m *HashMap) insert(hash int64, key []byte, val interface{}) (overwritten bool) {
	pos := hash & m.mask
	var dist int64

	// Continue searching until we find an empty slot or lower probe distance.
	for {
		e := &m.elems[pos]

		// Empty slot found or matching key, insert and exit.
		match := bytes.Equal(m.elems[pos].key, key)
		if m.hashes[pos] == 0 || match {
			m.hashes[pos] = hash
			e.hash, e.value = hash, val
			return match

		// If the existing elem has probed less than us, then swap places with
		// existing elem, and keep going to find another slot for that elem.
		elemDist := Dist(m.hashes[pos], pos, m.capacity)
		if elemDist < dist {
			// Swap with current position.
			hash, m.hashes[pos] = m.hashes[pos], hash
			val, e.value = e.value, val

			tmp := make([]byte, len(e.key))
			copy(tmp, e.key)

			key = tmp

			// Update current distance.
			dist = elemDist

		// Increment position, wrap around on overflow.
		pos = (pos + 1) & m.mask

// alloc elems according to currently set capacity.
func (m *HashMap) alloc() {
	m.elems = make([]hashElem, m.capacity)
	m.hashes = make([]int64, m.capacity)
	m.threshold = (m.capacity * int64(m.loadFactor)) / 100
	m.mask = int64(m.capacity - 1)

// grow doubles the capacity and reinserts all existing hashes & elements.
func (m *HashMap) grow() {
	// Copy old elements and hashes.
	elems, hashes := m.elems, m.hashes
	capacity := m.capacity

	// Double capacity & reallocate.
	m.capacity *= 2

	// Copy old elements to new hash/elem list.
	for i := int64(0); i < capacity; i++ {
		elem, hash := &elems[i], hashes[i]
		if hash == 0 {
		m.insert(hash, elem.key, elem.value)

// index returns the position of key in the hash map.
func (m *HashMap) index(key []byte) int64 {
	hash := HashKey(key)
	pos := hash & m.mask

	var dist int64
	for {
		if m.hashes[pos] == 0 {
			return -1
		} else if dist > Dist(m.hashes[pos], pos, m.capacity) {
			return -1
		} else if m.hashes[pos] == hash && bytes.Equal(m.elems[pos].key, key) {
			return pos

		pos = (pos + 1) & m.mask

// Elem returns the i-th key/value pair of the hash map.
func (m *HashMap) Elem(i int64) (key []byte, value interface{}) {
	if i >= int64(len(m.elems)) {
		return nil, nil

	e := &m.elems[i]
	return e.key, e.value

// Len returns the number of key/values set in map.
func (m *HashMap) Len() int64 { return m.n }

// Cap returns the number of key/values set in map.
func (m *HashMap) Cap() int64 { return m.capacity }

// AverageProbeCount returns the average number of probes for each element.
func (m *HashMap) AverageProbeCount() float64 {
	var sum float64
	for i := int64(0); i < m.capacity; i++ {
		hash := m.hashes[i]
		if hash == 0 {
		sum += float64(Dist(hash, i, m.capacity))
	return sum/float64(m.n) + 1.0

// Keys returns a list of sorted keys.
func (m *HashMap) Keys() [][]byte {
	a := make([][]byte, 0, m.Len())
	for i := int64(0); i < m.Cap(); i++ {
		k, v := m.Elem(i)
		if v == nil {
		a = append(a, k)
	return a

type hashElem struct {
	key   []byte
	value interface{}
	hash  int64

// reset clears the values in the element.
func (e *hashElem) reset() {
	e.key = e.key[:0]
	e.value = nil
	e.hash = 0

// setKey copies v to a key on e.
func (e *hashElem) setKey(v []byte) {
	// Shrink or grow key to fit value.
	if len(e.key) > len(v) {
		e.key = e.key[:len(v)]
	} else if len(e.key) < len(v) {
		e.key = append(e.key, make([]byte, len(v)-len(e.key))...)

	// Copy value to key.
	copy(e.key, v)

// Options represents initialization options that are passed to NewHashMap().
type Options struct {
	Capacity   int64
	LoadFactor int

// DefaultOptions represents a default set of options to pass to NewHashMap().
var DefaultOptions = Options{
	Capacity:   256,
	LoadFactor: 90,

// HashKey computes a hash of key. Hash is always non-zero.
func HashKey(key []byte) int64 {
	h := int64(xxhash.Sum64(key))
	if h == 0 {
		h = 1
	} else if h < 0 {
		h = 0 - h
	return h

// Dist returns the probe distance for a hash in a slot index.
// NOTE: Capacity must be a power of 2.
func Dist(hash, i, capacity int64) int64 {
	mask := capacity - 1
	dist := (i + capacity - (hash & mask)) & mask
	return dist

// pow2 returns the number that is the next highest power of 2.
// Returns v if it is a power of 2.
func pow2(v int64) int64 {
	for i := int64(2); i < 1<<62; i *= 2 {
		if i >= v {
			return i

type byteSlices [][]byte

func (a byteSlices) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a byteSlices) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(a[i], a[j]) == -1 }
func (a byteSlices) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }