influx.txt 2.12 KB

influx - InfluxDB client

'influx' [options]
'influx' -execute <command> [options]
'influx' -import -path <path> (-compressed) [options]
'influx' -version

'influx' is the command line program for interacting with an InfluxDB server.

In the first form, the program starts a CLI that can be used to write data or query the database. The command line is described in *COMMAND LINE*.

In the second form, this will execute a single command, usually a query. This is the equivalent of starting the command line, running one command, and then exiting.

In the third form, this imports a previously exported database to the database.

The fourth form outputs the version of the command line and then immediately exits.

-host <host>::
  Host to connect to. Default is localhost.

-port <port>::
  Port to use when connecting to the host. Default is 8086.

-database <database>::
  Database to use when connecting to the database.

-username <username>::
  Username to connect to the server.

-password <password>::
  Password to connect to the server. If left blank, this will prompt for a password.

  Use https for requests.

  Set this with '-ssl' to allow unsafe connections.

-execute <command>::
  Executes the command and exits.

-format <json|csv|column>::
  Sets the format of the server responses. Default is column.

-precision <rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns>::
  Specifies the format of the timestamp. Default is ns.

-consistency <any|one|quorum|all>::
  Set the write consistency level. Default is one.

  Turns on pretty print format for the JSON format.

  Import a previous database export from a file. If specified, '-path <path>' must also be specified.

-path <path>::
  Path to the database export file to import. Must be used with '-import'.

-pps <n>:
  How many points per second the import will allow. By default, it is zero and will not throttle importing.

  Set if the import file is compressed. Must be used with '-import'.

  Outputs the version of the influx client.
