main.go 1.43 KB
package stress

import (

	influx ""

// RunStress takes a configFile and kicks off the stress test
func RunStress(file string) {

	// Spin up the Client
	s := stressClient.NewStressTest()

	// Parse the file into Statements
	stmts, err := stressql.ParseStatements(file)

	// Log parse errors and quit if found
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Parsing Error\n  error: %v\n", err)

	// Run all statements
	for _, stmt := range stmts {

	// Clear out the batch of unsent response points
	resp := blankResponse()
	s.ResultsChan <- resp

	// Compile all Reports
	for _, stmt := range stmts {

func blankResponse() stressClient.Response {
	// Points must have at least one field
	fields := map[string]interface{}{"done": true}
	// Make a 'blank' point
	p, err := influx.NewPoint("done", make(map[string]string), fields, time.Now())
	// Panic on error
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating blank response point\n  error: %v\n", err)
	// Add a tracer to prevent program from returning too early
	tracer := stressClient.NewTracer(make(map[string]string))
	// Add to the WaitGroup
	// Make a new response with the point and the tracer
	resp := stressClient.NewResponse(p, tracer)
	return resp