Iker Narvaez

change remote

Showing 482 changed files with 5034 additions and 0 deletions
1 +memo = "efe4a26b5775ea537c0383b685d50fa64ee8fa6eec77406c5326d5f54744423f"
2 +
3 +[[projects]]
4 + branch = "master"
5 + name = "github.com/influxdata/influxdb"
6 + packages = ["client/v2","models","pkg/escape"]
7 + revision = "31db9d6f468239346a1fe7464b5cf9c85580488f"
8 + source= "http://git.ukko.mx/UkkoGo/influx_client.git"
1 +
2 +## Gopkg.toml example (these lines may be deleted)
3 +
4 +## "required" lists a set of packages (not projects) that must be included in
5 +## Gopkg.lock. This list is merged with the set of packages imported by the current
6 +## project. Use it when your project needs a package it doesn't explicitly import -
7 +## including "main" packages.
8 +# required = ["github.com/user/thing/cmd/thing"]
9 +
10 +## "ignored" lists a set of packages (not projects) that are ignored when
11 +## dep statically analyzes source code. Ignored packages can be in this project,
12 +## or in a dependency.
13 +# ignored = ["github.com/user/project/badpkg"]
14 +
15 +## Dependencies define constraints on dependent projects. They are respected by
16 +## dep whether coming from the Gopkg.toml of the current project or a dependency.
17 +# [[dependencies]]
18 +## Required: the root import path of the project being constrained.
19 +# name = "github.com/user/project"
20 +#
21 +## Recommended: the version constraint to enforce for the project.
22 +## Only one of "branch", "version" or "revision" can be specified.
23 +# version = "1.0.0"
24 +# branch = "master"
25 +# revision = "abc123"
26 +#
27 +## Optional: an alternate location (URL or import path) for the project's source.
28 +# source = "https://github.com/myfork/package.git"
29 +
30 +## Overrides have the same structure as [[dependencies]], but supercede all
31 +## [[dependencies]] declarations from all projects. Only the current project's
32 +## [[overrides]] are applied.
33 +##
34 +## Overrides are a sledgehammer. Use them only as a last resort.
35 +# [[overrides]]
36 +## Required: the root import path of the project being constrained.
37 +# name = "github.com/user/project"
38 +#
39 +## Optional: specifying a version constraint override will cause all other
40 +## constraints on this project to be ignored; only the overriden constraint
41 +## need be satisfied.
42 +## Again, only one of "branch", "version" or "revision" can be specified.
43 +# version = "1.0.0"
44 +# branch = "master"
45 +# revision = "abc123"
46 +#
47 +## Optional: specifying an alternate source location as an override will
48 +## enforce that the alternate location is used for that project, regardless of
49 +## what source location any dependent projects specify.
50 +# source = "https://github.com/myfork/package.git"
51 +
52 +
53 +
54 +[[dependencies]]
55 + branch = "master"
56 + name = "github.com/influxdata/UkkoGo/influxdb"
57 + source= "http://git.ukko.mx/UkkoGo/influx_client.git"
1 +package influx_client
2 +
3 +import(
4 + influx "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2"
5 + "time"
6 +)
7 +
8 +
9 +type InfluxClient struct {
10 + Client influx.Client
11 + InfluxErr error
12 + Db string
13 +}
14 +
15 +func CreateClient(db string, username string, password string, dbAddress string) *InfluxClient {
16 + i := InfluxClient {}
17 + i.Db = db
18 + i.Client, i.InfluxErr = influx.NewHTTPClient(influx.HTTPConfig{
19 + Addr: dbAddress,
20 + Username: username,
21 + Password: password,
22 + })
23 + if i.InfluxErr != nil {
24 + panic(i.InfluxErr)
25 + }
26 + return &i
27 +}
28 +
29 +func (i *InfluxClient) CreatePoint(tableName string, tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}, timestamp time.Time) {
30 + bp, _ := influx.NewBatchPoints(influx.BatchPointsConfig{
31 + Database: i.Db,
32 + Precision: "s",
33 + })
34 +
35 + pt, err := influx.NewPoint(tableName, tags, fields, timestamp)
36 + if err != nil {
37 + panic(err)
38 + // log.Fatal(err)
39 + }
40 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
41 +
42 + // Write the batch
43 + if err := i.Client.Write(bp); err != nil {
44 + panic(err)
45 + }
46 +}
1 +### Directions
2 +_GitHub Issues are reserved for actionable bug reports and feature requests._
3 +_General questions should be sent to the [InfluxDB Community Site](https://community.influxdata.com)._
4 +
5 +_Before opening an issue, search for similar bug reports or feature requests on GitHub Issues._
6 +_If no similar issue can be found, fill out either the "Bug Report" or the "Feature Request" section below.
7 +_Erase the other section and everything on and above this line._
8 +
9 +### Bug report
10 +
11 +__System info:__ [Include InfluxDB version, operating system name, and other relevant details]
12 +
13 +__Steps to reproduce:__
14 +
15 +1. [First Step]
16 +2. [Second Step]
17 +3. [and so on...]
18 +
19 +__Expected behavior:__ [What you expected to happen]
20 +
21 +__Actual behavior:__ [What actually happened]
22 +
23 +__Additional info:__ [Include gist of relevant config, logs, etc.]
24 +
25 +Also, if this is an issue of for performance, locking, etc the following commands are useful to create debug information for the team.
26 +
27 +```
28 +curl -o block.txt "http://localhost:8086/debug/pprof/block?debug=1"
29 +curl -o goroutine.txt "http://localhost:8086/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1"
30 +curl -o heap.txt "http://localhost:8086/debug/pprof/heap?debug=1"
31 +curl -o vars.txt "http://localhost:8086/debug/vars"
32 +iostat -xd 1 30 > iostat.txt
33 +influx -execute "show shards" > shards.txt
34 +influx -execute "show stats" > stats.txt
35 +influx -execute "show diagnostics" > diagnostics.txt
36 +```
37 +
38 +Please run those if possible and link them from a [gist](http://gist.github.com).
39 +
40 +*Please note, the quickest way to fix a bug is to open a Pull Request.*
41 +
42 +
43 +### Feature Request
44 +
45 +Opening a feature request kicks off a discussion.
46 +Requests may be closed if we're not actively planning to work on them.
47 +
48 +__Proposal:__ [Description of the feature]
49 +
50 +__Current behavior:__ [What currently happens]
51 +
52 +__Desired behavior:__ [What you would like to happen]
53 +
54 +__Use case:__ [Why is this important (helps with prioritizing requests)]
1 +###### Required for all non-trivial PRs
2 +- [ ] Rebased/mergable
3 +- [ ] Tests pass
4 +- [ ] CHANGELOG.md updated
5 +- [ ] Sign [CLA](https://influxdata.com/community/cla/) (if not already signed)
6 +
7 +###### Required only if applicable
8 +_You can erase any checkboxes below this note if they are not applicable to your Pull Request._
9 +- [ ] [InfluxQL Spec](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/influxql/README.md) updated
10 +- [ ] Provide example syntax
11 +- [ ] Update man page when modifying a command
12 +- [ ] Config changes: update sample config (`etc/config.sample.toml`), server `NewDemoConfig` method, and `Diagnostics` methods reporting config settings, if necessary
13 +- [ ] [InfluxData Documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/docs.influxdata.com): issue filed or pull request submitted \<link to issue or pull request\>
1 +# Keep editor-specific, non-project specific ignore rules in global .gitignore:
2 +# https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/#create-a-global-gitignore
3 +
4 +*~
5 +src/
6 +
7 +config.json
8 +/bin/
9 +
10 +/query/a.out*
11 +
12 +# ignore generated files.
13 +cmd/influxd/version.go
14 +
15 +# executables
16 +
17 +*.test
18 +
19 +influx_tsm
20 +**/influx_tsm
21 +!**/influx_tsm/
22 +
23 +influx_stress
24 +**/influx_stress
25 +!**/influx_stress/
26 +
27 +influxd
28 +**/influxd
29 +!**/influxd/
30 +
31 +influx
32 +**/influx
33 +!**/influx/
34 +
35 +influxdb
36 +**/influxdb
37 +!**/influxdb/
38 +
39 +influx_inspect
40 +**/influx_inspect
41 +!**/influx_inspect/
42 +
43 +/benchmark-tool
44 +/main
45 +/benchmark-storage
46 +godef
47 +gosym
48 +gocode
49 +inspect-raft
50 +
51 +# dependencies
52 +out_rpm/
53 +packages/
54 +
55 +# autconf
56 +autom4te.cache/
57 +config.log
58 +config.status
59 +
60 +# log file
61 +influxdb.log
62 +benchmark.log
63 +
64 +# config file
65 +config.toml
66 +
67 +# test data files
68 +integration/migration_data/
69 +
70 +# man outputs
71 +man/*.xml
72 +man/*.1
73 +man/*.1.gz
74 +
75 +# test outputs
76 +/test-results.xml
1 +#!/usr/bin/env bash
2 +
3 +fmtcount=`git ls-files | grep '.go$' | xargs gofmt -l 2>&1 | wc -l`
4 +if [ $fmtcount -gt 0 ]; then
5 + echo "Some files aren't formatted, please run 'go fmt ./...' to format your source code before committing"
6 + exit 1
7 +fi
8 +
9 +vetcount=`go tool vet ./ 2>&1 | wc -l`
10 +if [ $vetcount -gt 0 ]; then
11 + echo "Some files aren't passing vet heuristics, please run 'go vet ./...' to see the errors it flags and correct your source code before committing"
12 + exit 1
13 +fi
14 +exit 0
15 +
16 +# Ensure FIXME lines are removed before commit.
17 +fixme_lines=$(git diff --cached | grep ^+ | grep -v pre-commit | grep FIXME | sed 's_^+\s*__g')
18 +if [ "$fixme_lines" != "" ]; then
19 + echo "Please remove the following lines:"
20 + echo -e "$fixme_lines"
21 + exit 1
22 +fi
23 +
1 +{
2 + "maxReviewers": 3,
3 + "fileBlacklist": ["CHANGELOG.md"],
4 + "userBlacklist": ["pauldix", "toddboom", "aviau", "mark-rushakoff"],
5 + "requiredOrgs": ["influxdata"]
6 +}
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +_This document is currently in draft form._
2 +
3 +# Background
4 +
5 +The goal of this guide is to capture some Do and Don'ts of Go code for the InfluxDB database. When it comes to Go, writing good code is often achieved with the help of tools like `go fmt` and `go vet`. However there are still some practices not enforceable by any tools. This guide lists some specific practices to follow when writing code for the database.
6 +
7 +*Like everything, one needs to use good judgment.* There will always be times when it doesn't make sense to follow a guideline outlined in this document. If that case arises, be ready to justify your choices.
8 +
9 +# The Guidelines
10 +
11 +## Try not to use third-party libraries
12 +
13 +A third-party package is defined as one that is not part of the standard Go distribution. Generally speaking we prefer to minimize our use of third-party packages, and avoid them unless absolutely necessarily. We'll often write a little bit of code rather than pull in a third-party package. Of course, we do use some third-party packages -- most importantly we use [BoltDB](https://github.com/boltdb/bolt) in some storage engines. So to maximise the chance your change will be accepted by us, use only the standard libraries, or the third-party packages we have decided to use.
14 +
15 +For rationale, check out the post [The Case Against Third Party Libraries](http://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2014/case-against-3pl/).
16 +
17 +## Always include a default case in a 'switch' statement
18 +The lack of a `default` case in a `switch` statement can be a significant source of bugs. This is particularly true in the case of a type-assertions switch. So always include a `default` statement unless you have an explicit reason not to.
19 +
20 +## When -- and when not -- set a channel to 'nil'
21 +
22 +## Use defer with anonymous functions to handle complex locking
23 +Consider a block of code like the following.
24 +```
25 + mu.Lock()
26 + if foo == "quit" {
27 + mu.Unlock()
28 + return
29 + } else if foo == "continue" {
30 + if bar == "quit" {
31 + mu.Unlock()
32 + return
33 + }
34 + bar = "still going"
35 + } else {
36 + qux = "here at last"
37 + mu.Unlock()
38 + return
39 + }
40 + foo = "more to do"
41 + bar = "still more to do"
42 + mu.Unlock()
43 +
44 + qux = "finished now"
45 + return
46 +```
47 +While this is obviously contrived, complex lock control like this is sometimes required, and doesn't lend itself to `defer`. But as the code evolves, it's easy to introduce new cases, and forget to release locks. One way to address this is to use an anonymous function like so:
48 +```
49 + more := func() bool {
50 + mu.Lock()
51 + defer mu.Unlock()
52 + if foo == "quit" {
53 + return false
54 + } else if foo == "continue" {
55 + if bar == "quit" {
56 + return false
57 + }
58 + bar = "still going"
59 + } else {
60 + qux = "here at last"
61 + return false
62 + }
63 + foo = "more to do"
64 + bar = "still more to do"
65 + return true
66 + }()
67 +
68 + if more {
69 + qux = "finished"
70 + }
71 + return
72 +```
73 +This allows us to use `defer` but ensures that if any new cases are added to the logic within the anonymous function, the lock will always be released. Another advantage of this approach is that `defer` will still run even in the event of a panic, ensuring the locks will be released even in that case.
74 +
75 +## When to call 'panic()'
76 +
77 +# Useful links
78 +- [Useful techniques in Go](http://arslan.io/ten-useful-techniques-in-go)
79 +- [Go in production](http://peter.bourgon.org/go-in-production/)
80 +- [Principles of designing Go APIs with channels](https://inconshreveable.com/07-08-2014/principles-of-designing-go-apis-with-channels/)
81 +- [Common mistakes in Golang](http://soryy.com/blog/2014/common-mistakes-with-go-lang/). Especially this section `Loops, Closures, and Local Variables`
82 +
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +# Docker Setup
2 +========================
3 +
4 +This document describes how to build and run a minimal InfluxDB container under Docker. Currently, it has only been tested for local development and assumes that you have a working docker environment.
5 +
6 +## Building Image
7 +
8 +To build a docker image for InfluxDB from your current checkout, run the following:
9 +
10 +```
11 +$ ./build-docker.sh
12 +```
13 +
14 +This script uses the `golang:1.7.4` image to build a fully static binary of `influxd` and then adds it to a minimal `scratch` image.
15 +
16 +To build the image using a different version of go:
17 +
18 +```
19 +$ GO_VER=1.7.4 ./build-docker.sh
20 +```
21 +
22 +Available version can be found [here](https://hub.docker.com/_/golang/).
23 +
24 +## Single Node Container
25 +
26 +This will start an interactive, single-node, that publishes the containers port `8086` and `8088` to the hosts ports `8086` and `8088` respectively. This is identical to starting `influxd` manually.
27 +
28 +```
29 +$ docker run -it -p 8086:8086 -p 8088:8088 influxdb
30 +```
1 +FROM busybox:ubuntu-14.04
2 +
3 +MAINTAINER Jason Wilder "<jason@influxdb.com>"
4 +
5 +# admin, http, udp, cluster, graphite, opentsdb, collectd
6 +EXPOSE 8083 8086 8086/udp 8088 2003 4242 25826
7 +
8 +WORKDIR /app
9 +
10 +# copy binary into image
11 +COPY influxd /app/
12 +
13 +# Add influxd to the PATH
14 +ENV PATH=/app:$PATH
15 +
16 +# Generate a default config
17 +RUN influxd config > /etc/influxdb.toml
18 +
19 +# Use /data for all disk storage
20 +RUN sed -i 's/dir = "\/.*influxdb/dir = "\/data/' /etc/influxdb.toml
21 +
22 +VOLUME ["/data"]
23 +
24 +ENTRYPOINT ["influxd", "--config", "/etc/influxdb.toml"]
1 +FROM ioft/i386-ubuntu:14.04
2 +
3 +RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
4 + python-software-properties \
5 + software-properties-common \
6 + wget \
7 + git \
8 + mercurial \
9 + make \
10 + ruby \
11 + ruby-dev \
12 + rpm \
13 + zip \
14 + python \
15 + python-boto
16 +
17 +RUN gem install fpm
18 +
19 +# Install go
20 +ENV GOPATH /root/go
21 +ENV GO_VERSION 1.7.4
22 +ENV GO_ARCH 386
23 +RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz; \
24 + tar -C /usr/local/ -xf /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz ; \
25 + rm /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz
26 +ENV PATH /usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
27 +
28 +ENV PROJECT_DIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
30 +RUN mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR
32 +
34 +
35 +ENTRYPOINT [ "/root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb/build.py" ]
1 +FROM ubuntu:trusty
2 +
3 +RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
4 + python-software-properties \
5 + software-properties-common \
6 + wget \
7 + git \
8 + mercurial \
9 + make \
10 + ruby \
11 + ruby-dev \
12 + rpm \
13 + zip \
14 + python \
15 + python-boto \
16 + asciidoc \
17 + xmlto \
18 + docbook-xsl
19 +
20 +RUN gem install fpm
21 +
22 +# Install go
23 +ENV GOPATH /root/go
24 +ENV GO_VERSION 1.7.4
25 +ENV GO_ARCH amd64
26 +RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz; \
27 + tar -C /usr/local/ -xf /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz ; \
28 + rm /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz
29 +ENV PATH /usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
30 +
31 +ENV PROJECT_DIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
33 +RUN mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR
35 +
37 +
38 +ENTRYPOINT [ "/root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb/build.py" ]
1 +FROM ubuntu:trusty
2 +
3 +RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
4 + python-software-properties \
5 + software-properties-common \
6 + wget \
7 + git \
8 + mercurial \
9 + make \
10 + ruby \
11 + ruby-dev \
12 + rpm \
13 + zip \
14 + python \
15 + python-boto
16 +
17 +RUN gem install fpm
18 +
19 +# Setup env
20 +ENV GOPATH /root/go
21 +ENV PROJECT_DIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
23 +RUN mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR
24 +
26 +
27 +
28 +# Install go
29 +ENV GO_VERSION 1.7.4
30 +ENV GO_ARCH amd64
31 +RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz; \
32 + tar -C /usr/local/ -xf /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz ; \
33 + rm /go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz
34 +
35 +# Clone Go tip for compilation
36 +ENV GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP /usr/local/go
37 +RUN git clone https://go.googlesource.com/go
38 +ENV PATH /go/bin:$PATH
39 +
40 +# Add script for compiling go
41 +ENV GO_CHECKOUT master
42 +ADD ./gobuild.sh /gobuild.sh
43 +ENTRYPOINT [ "/gobuild.sh" ]
1 +FROM 32bit/ubuntu:14.04
2 +
3 +RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common git
4 +RUN add-apt-repository ppa:evarlast/golang1.4
5 +RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" golang-go
6 +
7 +ENV GOPATH=/root/go
8 +RUN mkdir -p /root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
9 +RUN mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts
10 +
11 +VOLUME /root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
12 +VOLUME /tmp/artifacts
1 +collectd.org e84e8af5356e7f47485bbc95c96da6dd7984a67e
2 +github.com/BurntSushi/toml 99064174e013895bbd9b025c31100bd1d9b590ca
3 +github.com/bmizerany/pat c068ca2f0aacee5ac3681d68e4d0a003b7d1fd2c
4 +github.com/boltdb/bolt 4b1ebc1869ad66568b313d0dc410e2be72670dda
5 +github.com/cespare/xxhash 4a94f899c20bc44d4f5f807cb14529e72aca99d6
6 +github.com/clarkduvall/hyperloglog 2d38f733946d0a1f2e810513c71b834cbeba1480
7 +github.com/davecgh/go-spew 346938d642f2ec3594ed81d874461961cd0faa76
8 +github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go 24c63f56522a87ec5339cc3567883f1039378fdb
9 +github.com/dgryski/go-bits 2ad8d707cc05b1815ce6ff2543bb5e8d8f9298ef
10 +github.com/dgryski/go-bitstream 7d46cd22db7004f0cceb6f7975824b560cf0e486
11 +github.com/gogo/protobuf a9cd0c35b97daf74d0ebf3514c5254814b2703b4
12 +github.com/golang/snappy d9eb7a3d35ec988b8585d4a0068e462c27d28380
13 +github.com/influxdata/usage-client 6d3895376368aa52a3a81d2a16e90f0f52371967
14 +github.com/jwilder/encoding 27894731927e49b0a9023f00312be26733744815
15 +github.com/paulbellamy/ratecounter 5a11f585a31379765c190c033b6ad39956584447
16 +github.com/peterh/liner 88609521dc4b6c858fd4c98b628147da928ce4ac
17 +github.com/rakyll/statik e383bbf6b2ec1a2fb8492dfd152d945fb88919b6
18 +github.com/retailnext/hllpp 38a7bb71b483e855d35010808143beaf05b67f9d
19 +github.com/uber-go/atomic 74ca5ec650841aee9f289dce76e928313a37cbc6
20 +github.com/uber-go/zap fbae0281ffd546fa6d1959fec6075ac5da7fb577
21 +golang.org/x/crypto 9477e0b78b9ac3d0b03822fd95422e2fe07627cd
1 +The MIT License (MIT)
2 +
3 +Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Errplane Inc.
4 +
5 +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
6 +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
7 +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
8 +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
9 +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
10 +subject to the following conditions:
11 +
12 +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
13 +copies or substantial portions of the Software.
14 +
1 +# List
2 +- bootstrap 3.3.5 [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
3 +- collectd.org [ISC LICENSE](https://github.com/collectd/go-collectd/blob/master/LICENSE)
4 +- github.com/BurntSushi/toml [WTFPL LICENSE](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/blob/master/COPYING)
5 +- github.com/bmizerany/pat [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/bmizerany/pat#license)
6 +- github.com/boltdb/bolt [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/boltdb/bolt/blob/master/LICENSE)
7 +- github.com/cespare/xxhash [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
8 +- github.com/clarkduvall/hyperloglog [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/clarkduvall/hyperloglog/blob/master/LICENSE)
9 +- github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew [ISC LICENSE](https://github.com/davecgh/go-spew/blob/master/LICENSE)
10 +- github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/blob/master/LICENSE)
11 +- github.com/dgryski/go-bits [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/dgryski/go-bits/blob/master/LICENSE)
12 +- github.com/dgryski/go-bitstream [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/dgryski/go-bitstream/blob/master/LICENSE)
13 +- github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/LICENSE)
14 +- github.com/golang/snappy [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/golang/snappy/blob/master/LICENSE)
15 +- github.com/influxdata/usage-client [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/influxdata/usage-client/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
16 +- github.com/jwilder/encoding [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/jwilder/encoding/blob/master/LICENSE)
17 +- github.com/paulbellamy/ratecounter [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/paulbellamy/ratecounter/blob/master/LICENSE)
18 +- github.com/peterh/liner [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/peterh/liner/blob/master/COPYING)
19 +- github.com/rakyll/statik [APACHE LICENSE](https://github.com/rakyll/statik/blob/master/LICENSE)
20 +- github.com/retailnext/hllpp [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/retailnext/hllpp/blob/master/LICENSE)
21 +- github.com/uber-go/atomic [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/uber-go/atomic/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
22 +- github.com/uber-go/zap [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/uber-go/zap/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
23 +- glyphicons [LICENSE](http://glyphicons.com/license/)
24 +- golang.org/x/crypto [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/golang/crypto/blob/master/LICENSE)
25 +- jquery 2.1.4 [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
26 +- react 0.13.3 [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/LICENSE)
1 +PACKAGES=$(shell find . -name '*.go' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 dirname | sort --unique)
2 +
3 +default:
4 +
5 +metalint: deadcode cyclo aligncheck defercheck structcheck lint errcheck
6 +
7 +deadcode:
8 + @deadcode $(PACKAGES) 2>&1
9 +
10 +cyclo:
11 + @gocyclo -over 10 $(PACKAGES)
12 +
13 +aligncheck:
14 + @aligncheck $(PACKAGES)
15 +
16 +defercheck:
17 + @defercheck $(PACKAGES)
18 +
19 +
20 +structcheck:
21 + @structcheck $(PACKAGES)
22 +
23 +lint:
24 + @for pkg in $(PACKAGES); do golint $$pkg; done
25 +
26 +errcheck:
27 + @for pkg in $(PACKAGES); do \
28 + errcheck -ignorepkg=bytes,fmt -ignore=":(Rollback|Close)" $$pkg \
29 + done
30 +
31 +tools:
32 + go get github.com/remyoudompheng/go-misc/deadcode
33 + go get github.com/alecthomas/gocyclo
34 + go get github.com/opennota/check/...
35 + go get github.com/golang/lint/golint
36 + go get github.com/kisielk/errcheck
37 + go get github.com/sparrc/gdm
38 +
39 +.PHONY: default,metalint,deadcode,cyclo,aligncheck,defercheck,structcheck,lint,errcheck,tools
1 +The top level name is called a measurement. These names can contain any characters. Then there are field names, field values, tag keys and tag values, which can also contain any characters. However, if the measurement, field, or tag contains any character other than [A-Z,a-z,0-9,_], or if it starts with a digit, it must be double-quoted. Therefore anywhere a measurement name, field key, or tag key appears it should be wrapped in double quotes.
2 +
3 +# Databases & retention policies
4 +
5 +```sql
6 +-- create a database
8 +
9 +-- create a retention policy
11 +
12 +-- alter retention policy
13 +ALTER RETENTION POLICY <rp-name> ON <db-name> (DURATION <duration> | REPLICATION <n> | DEFAULT)+
14 +
15 +-- drop a database
16 +DROP DATABASE <name>
17 +
18 +-- drop a retention policy
19 +DROP RETENTION POLICY <rp-name> ON <db-name>
20 +```
21 +where `<duration>` is either `INF` for infinite retention, or an integer followed by the desired unit of time: u,ms,s,m,h,d,w for microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks, respectively. `<replication>` must be an integer.
22 +
23 +If present, `DEFAULT` sets the retention policy as the default retention policy for writes and reads.
24 +
25 +# Users and permissions
26 +
27 +```sql
28 +-- create user
29 +CREATE USER <name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>'
30 +
31 +-- grant privilege on a database
32 +GRANT <privilege> ON <db> TO <user>
33 +
34 +-- grant cluster admin privileges
36 +
37 +-- revoke privilege
38 +REVOKE <privilege> ON <db> FROM <user>
39 +
40 +-- revoke all privileges for a DB
42 +
43 +-- revoke all privileges including cluster admin
45 +
46 +-- combine db creation with privilege assignment (user must already exist)
47 +CREATE DATABASE <name> GRANT <privilege> TO <user>
48 +CREATE DATABASE <name> REVOKE <privilege> FROM <user>
49 +
50 +-- delete a user
51 +DROP USER <name>
52 +
53 +
54 +```
55 +where `<privilege> := READ | WRITE | All `.
56 +
57 +Authentication must be enabled in the influxdb.conf file for user permissions to be in effect.
58 +
59 +By default, newly created users have no privileges to any databases.
60 +
61 +Cluster administration privileges automatically grant full read and write permissions to all databases, regardless of subsequent database-specific privilege revocation statements.
62 +
63 +# Select
64 +
65 +```sql
66 +SELECT mean(value) from cpu WHERE host = 'serverA' AND time > now() - 4h GROUP BY time(5m)
67 +
68 +SELECT mean(value) from cpu WHERE time > now() - 4h GROUP BY time(5m), region
69 +```
70 +
71 +## Group By
72 +
73 +# Delete
74 +
75 +# Series
76 +
77 +## Destroy
78 +
79 +```sql
81 +DROP MEASUREMENT cpu WHERE region = 'uswest'
82 +```
83 +
84 +## Show
85 +
86 +Show series queries are for pulling out individual series from measurement names and tag data. They're useful for discovery.
87 +
88 +```sql
89 +-- show all databases
91 +
92 +-- show measurement names
96 +SHOW MEASUREMENTS WHERE service = 'redis'
97 +-- LIMIT and OFFSET can be applied to any of the SHOW type queries
98 +
99 +-- show all series across all measurements/tagsets
101 +
102 +-- get a show of all series for any measurements where tag key region = tak value 'uswest'
103 +SHOW SERIES WHERE region = 'uswest'
104 +
105 +SHOW SERIES FROM cpu_load WHERE region = 'uswest' LIMIT 10
106 +
107 +-- returns the 100 - 109 rows in the result. In the case of SHOW SERIES, which returns
108 +-- series split into measurements. Each series counts as a row. So you could see only a
109 +-- single measurement returned, but 10 series within it.
110 +SHOW SERIES FROM cpu_load WHERE region = 'uswest' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 100
111 +
112 +-- show all retention policies on a database
114 +
115 +-- get a show of all tag keys across all measurements
117 +
118 +-- show all the tag keys for a given measurement
120 +SHOW TAG KEYS FROM temperature, wind_speed
121 +
122 +-- show all the tag values. note that a single WHERE TAG KEY = '...' clause is required
124 +SHOW TAG VALUES FROM cpu WHERE region = 'uswest' WITH TAG KEY = 'host'
125 +
126 +-- and you can do stuff against fields
128 +
129 +-- but you can't do this
131 +-- we don't index field values, so this query should be invalid.
132 +
133 +-- show all users
135 +```
136 +
137 +Note that `FROM` and `WHERE` are optional clauses in most of the show series queries.
138 +
139 +And the show series output looks like this:
140 +
141 +```json
142 +[
143 + {
144 + "name": "cpu",
145 + "columns": ["id", "region", "host"],
146 + "values": [
147 + 1, "uswest", "servera",
148 + 2, "uswest", "serverb"
149 + ]
150 + },
151 + {
152 + "name": "reponse_time",
153 + "columns": ["id", "application", "host"],
154 + "values": [
155 + 3, "myRailsApp", "servera"
156 + ]
157 + }
158 +]
159 +```
160 +
161 +# Continuous Queries
162 +
163 +Continuous queries are going to be inspired by MySQL `TRIGGER` syntax:
164 +
165 +http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/trigger-syntax.html
166 +
167 +Instead of having automatically-assigned ids, named continuous queries allows for some level of duplication prevention,
168 +particularly in the case where creation is scripted.
169 +
170 +## Create
171 +
173 +
174 +## Destroy
175 +
177 +
178 +## List
179 +
1 +# InfluxDB [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/influxdata/influxdb/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/influxdata/influxdb/tree/master) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/influxdata/influxdb)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/influxdata/influxdb) [![Docker pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/library/influxdb.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/_/influxdb/)
2 +
3 +## An Open-Source Time Series Database
4 +
5 +InfluxDB is an open source **time series database** with
6 +**no external dependencies**. It's useful for recording metrics,
7 +events, and performing analytics.
8 +
9 +## Features
10 +
11 +* Built-in [HTTP API](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/guides/writing_data/) so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running.
12 +* Data can be tagged, allowing very flexible querying.
13 +* SQL-like query language.
14 +* Simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.
15 +* It aims to answer queries in real-time. That means every data point is
16 + indexed as it comes in and is immediately available in queries that
17 + should return in < 100ms.
18 +
19 +## Installation
20 +
21 +We recommend installing InfluxDB using one of the [pre-built packages](https://influxdata.com/downloads/#influxdb). Then start InfluxDB using:
22 +
23 +* `service influxdb start` if you have installed InfluxDB using an official Debian or RPM package.
24 +* `systemctl start influxdb` if you have installed InfluxDB using an official Debian or RPM package, and are running a distro with `systemd`. For example, Ubuntu 15 or later.
25 +* `$GOPATH/bin/influxd` if you have built InfluxDB from source.
26 +
27 +## Getting Started
28 +
29 +### Create your first database
30 +
31 +```
32 +curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/query' --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE mydb"
33 +```
34 +
35 +### Insert some data
36 +```
37 +curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
38 +-d 'cpu,host=server01,region=uswest load=42 1434055562000000000'
39 +
40 +curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
41 +-d 'cpu,host=server02,region=uswest load=78 1434055562000000000'
42 +
43 +curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
44 +-d 'cpu,host=server03,region=useast load=15.4 1434055562000000000'
45 +```
46 +
47 +### Query for the data
48 +```JSON
49 +curl -G http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true --data-urlencode "db=mydb" \
50 +--data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu WHERE host='server01' AND time < now() - 1d"
51 +```
52 +
53 +### Analyze the data
54 +```JSON
55 +curl -G http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true --data-urlencode "db=mydb" \
56 +--data-urlencode "q=SELECT mean(load) FROM cpu WHERE region='uswest'"
57 +```
58 +
59 +## Documentation
60 +
61 +* Read more about the [design goals and motivations of the project](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/).
62 +* Follow the [getting started guide](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/introduction/getting_started/) to learn the basics in just a few minutes.
63 +* Learn more about [InfluxDB's key concepts](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/guides/writing_data/).
64 +
65 +## Contributing
66 +
67 +If you're feeling adventurous and want to contribute to InfluxDB, see our [contributing doc](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for info on how to make feature requests, build from source, and run tests.
68 +
69 +## Looking for Support?
70 +
71 +InfluxDB offers a number of services to help your project succeed. We offer Developer Support for organizations in active development, Managed Hosting to make it easy to move into production, and Enterprise Support for companies requiring the best response times, SLAs, and technical fixes. Visit our [support page](https://influxdata.com/services/) or contact [sales@influxdb.com](mailto:sales@influxdb.com) to learn how we can best help you succeed.
1 +# TODO
2 +
3 +## v2
4 +
5 +TODO list for v2. Here is a list of things we want to add to v1, but can't because they would be a breaking change.
6 +
7 +- [#1834](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/issues/1834): Disallow using time as a tag key or field key.
8 +- [#2124](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/issues/2124): Prohibit writes with precision, but without an explicit timestamp.
9 +- [#4461](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/issues/4461): Change default time boundaries.
1 +version: 0.{build}
2 +pull_requests:
3 + do_not_increment_build_number: true
4 +branches:
5 + only:
6 + - master
7 +
8 +os: Windows Server 2012 R2
9 +
10 +# Custom clone folder (variables are not expanded here).
11 +clone_folder: c:\gopath\src\github.com\influxdata\influxdb
12 +
13 +# Environment variables
14 +environment:
15 + GOROOT: C:\go17
16 + GOPATH: C:\gopath
17 +
18 +# Scripts that run after cloning repository
19 +install:
20 + - set PATH=%GOROOT%\bin;%GOPATH%\bin;%PATH%
21 + - rmdir c:\go /s /q
22 + - echo %PATH%
23 + - echo %GOPATH%
24 + - cd C:\gopath\src\github.com\influxdata\influxdb
25 + - go version
26 + - go env
27 + - go get github.com/sparrc/gdm
28 + - cd C:\gopath\src\github.com\influxdata\influxdb
29 + - gdm restore
30 +
31 +# To run your custom scripts instead of automatic MSBuild
32 +build_script:
33 + - go get -t -v ./...
34 + - go test -race -v ./...
35 +
36 +# To disable deployment
37 +deploy: off
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +
3 +set -e -x
4 +
5 +GO_VER=${GO_VER:-1.7.4}
6 +
7 +docker run -it -v "${GOPATH}":/gopath -v "$(pwd)":/app -e "GOPATH=/gopath" -w /app golang:$GO_VER sh -c 'CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a --installsuffix cgo --ldflags="-s" -o influxd ./cmd/influxd'
8 +
9 +docker build -t influxdb .
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +# Run the build utility via Docker
3 +
4 +set -e
5 +
6 +# Make sure our working dir is the dir of the script
7 +DIR=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) && pwd)
8 +cd $DIR
9 +
10 +
11 +# Build new docker image
12 +docker build -f Dockerfile_build_ubuntu64 -t influxdb-builder $DIR
13 +echo "Running build.py"
14 +# Run docker
15 +docker run --rm \
18 + -v $HOME/.aws.conf:/root/.aws.conf \
19 + -v $DIR:/root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb \
20 + influxdb-builder \
21 + "$@"
22 +
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +#
3 +# This is the InfluxDB test script for CircleCI, it is a light wrapper around ./test.sh.
4 +
5 +# Exit if any command fails
6 +set -e
7 +
8 +# Get dir of script and make it is our working directory.
9 +DIR=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)
10 +cd $DIR
11 +
13 +# Don't delete the container since CircleCI doesn't have permission to do so.
14 +export DOCKER_RM="false"
15 +
16 +# Get number of test environments.
17 +count=$(./test.sh count)
18 +# Check that we aren't wasting CircleCI nodes.
19 +if [ $CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL -gt $count ]
20 +then
21 + echo "More CircleCI nodes allocated than tests environments to run!"
22 + exit 1
23 +fi
24 +
25 +# Map CircleCI nodes to test environments.
26 +tests=$(seq 0 $((count - 1)))
27 +for i in $tests
28 +do
29 + mine=$(( $i % $CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL ))
30 + if [ $mine -eq $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX ]
31 + then
32 + echo "Running test env index: $i"
33 + ./test.sh $i
34 + fi
35 +done
36 +
37 +# Copy the JUnit test XML to the test reports folder.
38 +mkdir -p $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/reports
39 +cp test-results.xml $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/reports/test-results.xml
1 +machine:
2 + services:
3 + - docker
4 + environment:
5 + GODIST: "go1.7.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
6 + post:
7 + - mkdir -p download
8 + - test -e download/$GODIST || curl -o download/$GODIST https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/$GODIST
9 + - sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
10 + - sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf download/$GODIST
11 +
12 +dependencies:
13 + cache_directories:
14 + - "~/docker"
15 + - ~/download
16 + override:
17 + - ./test.sh save:
18 + # building the docker images can take a long time, hence caching
19 + timeout: 1800
20 +
21 +test:
22 + override:
23 + - bash circle-test.sh:
24 + parallel: true
25 + # Race tests using 960s timeout
26 + timeout: 960
27 +
28 +deployment:
29 + release:
30 + tag: /^v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\S*)$/
31 + commands:
32 + - >
33 + docker run
36 + -v $(pwd):/root/go/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb
37 + influxdb_build_ubuntu64
38 + --release
39 + --package
40 + --platform all
41 + --arch all
42 + --upload
43 + --bucket dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases
1 +# InfluxDB Client
2 +
3 +[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/influxdata/influxdb?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2)
4 +
5 +## Description
6 +
7 +**NOTE:** The Go client library now has a "v2" version, with the old version
8 +being deprecated. The new version can be imported at
9 +`import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2"`. It is not backwards-compatible.
10 +
11 +A Go client library written and maintained by the **InfluxDB** team.
12 +This package provides convenience functions to read and write time series data.
13 +It uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with your **InfluxDB** cluster.
14 +
15 +
16 +## Getting Started
17 +
18 +### Connecting To Your Database
19 +
20 +Connecting to an **InfluxDB** database is straightforward. You will need a host
21 +name, a port and the cluster user credentials if applicable. The default port is
22 +8086. You can customize these settings to your specific installation via the
23 +**InfluxDB** configuration file.
24 +
25 +Though not necessary for experimentation, you may want to create a new user
26 +and authenticate the connection to your database.
27 +
28 +For more information please check out the
29 +[Admin Docs](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/administration/).
30 +
31 +For the impatient, you can create a new admin user _bubba_ by firing off the
32 +[InfluxDB CLI](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/cmd/influx/main.go).
33 +
34 +```shell
35 +influx
36 +> create user bubba with password 'bumblebeetuna'
37 +> grant all privileges to bubba
38 +```
39 +
40 +And now for good measure set the credentials in you shell environment.
41 +In the example below we will use $INFLUX_USER and $INFLUX_PWD
42 +
43 +Now with the administrivia out of the way, let's connect to our database.
44 +
45 +NOTE: If you've opted out of creating a user, you can omit Username and Password in
46 +the configuration below.
47 +
48 +```go
49 +package main
50 +
51 +import (
52 + "log"
53 + "time"
54 +
55 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2"
56 +)
57 +
58 +const (
59 + MyDB = "square_holes"
60 + username = "bubba"
61 + password = "bumblebeetuna"
62 +)
63 +
64 +
65 +func main() {
66 + // Create a new HTTPClient
67 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
68 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
69 + Username: username,
70 + Password: password,
71 + })
72 + if err != nil {
73 + log.Fatal(err)
74 + }
75 +
76 + // Create a new point batch
77 + bp, err := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
78 + Database: MyDB,
79 + Precision: "s",
80 + })
81 + if err != nil {
82 + log.Fatal(err)
83 + }
84 +
85 + // Create a point and add to batch
86 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
87 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
88 + "idle": 10.1,
89 + "system": 53.3,
90 + "user": 46.6,
91 + }
92 +
93 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
94 + if err != nil {
95 + log.Fatal(err)
96 + }
97 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
98 +
99 + // Write the batch
100 + if err := c.Write(bp); err != nil {
101 + log.Fatal(err)
102 + }
103 +}
104 +
105 +```
106 +
107 +### Inserting Data
108 +
109 +Time series data aka *points* are written to the database using batch inserts.
110 +The mechanism is to create one or more points and then create a batch aka
111 +*batch points* and write these to a given database and series. A series is a
112 +combination of a measurement (time/values) and a set of tags.
113 +
114 +In this sample we will create a batch of a 1,000 points. Each point has a time and
115 +a single value as well as 2 tags indicating a shape and color. We write these points
116 +to a database called _square_holes_ using a measurement named _shapes_.
117 +
118 +NOTE: You can specify a RetentionPolicy as part of the batch points. If not
119 +provided InfluxDB will use the database _default_ retention policy.
120 +
121 +```go
122 +
123 +func writePoints(clnt client.Client) {
124 + sampleSize := 1000
125 +
126 + bp, err := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
127 + Database: "systemstats",
128 + Precision: "us",
129 + })
130 + if err != nil {
131 + log.Fatal(err)
132 + }
133 +
134 + rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
135 + for i := 0; i < sampleSize; i++ {
136 + regions := []string{"us-west1", "us-west2", "us-west3", "us-east1"}
137 + tags := map[string]string{
138 + "cpu": "cpu-total",
139 + "host": fmt.Sprintf("host%d", rand.Intn(1000)),
140 + "region": regions[rand.Intn(len(regions))],
141 + }
142 +
143 + idle := rand.Float64() * 100.0
144 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
145 + "idle": idle,
146 + "busy": 100.0 - idle,
147 + }
148 +
149 + pt, err := client.NewPoint(
150 + "cpu_usage",
151 + tags,
152 + fields,
153 + time.Now(),
154 + )
155 + if err != nil {
156 + log.Fatal(err)
157 + }
158 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
159 + }
160 +
161 + if err := clnt.Write(bp); err != nil {
162 + log.Fatal(err)
163 + }
164 +}
165 +```
166 +
167 +### Querying Data
168 +
169 +One nice advantage of using **InfluxDB** the ability to query your data using familiar
170 +SQL constructs. In this example we can create a convenience function to query the database
171 +as follows:
172 +
173 +```go
174 +// queryDB convenience function to query the database
175 +func queryDB(clnt client.Client, cmd string) (res []client.Result, err error) {
176 + q := client.Query{
177 + Command: cmd,
178 + Database: MyDB,
179 + }
180 + if response, err := clnt.Query(q); err == nil {
181 + if response.Error() != nil {
182 + return res, response.Error()
183 + }
184 + res = response.Results
185 + } else {
186 + return res, err
187 + }
188 + return res, nil
189 +}
190 +```
191 +
192 +#### Creating a Database
193 +
194 +```go
195 +_, err := queryDB(clnt, fmt.Sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s", MyDB))
196 +if err != nil {
197 + log.Fatal(err)
198 +}
199 +```
200 +
201 +#### Count Records
202 +
203 +```go
204 +q := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT count(%s) FROM %s", "value", MyMeasurement)
205 +res, err := queryDB(clnt, q)
206 +if err != nil {
207 + log.Fatal(err)
208 +}
209 +count := res[0].Series[0].Values[0][1]
210 +log.Printf("Found a total of %v records\n", count)
211 +```
212 +
213 +#### Find the last 10 _shapes_ records
214 +
215 +```go
216 +q := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %d", MyMeasurement, 20)
217 +res, err = queryDB(clnt, q)
218 +if err != nil {
219 + log.Fatal(err)
220 +}
221 +
222 +for i, row := range res[0].Series[0].Values {
223 + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, row[0].(string))
224 + if err != nil {
225 + log.Fatal(err)
226 + }
227 + val := row[1].(string)
228 + log.Printf("[%2d] %s: %s\n", i, t.Format(time.Stamp), val)
229 +}
230 +```
231 +
232 +### Using the UDP Client
233 +
234 +The **InfluxDB** client also supports writing over UDP.
235 +
236 +```go
237 +func WriteUDP() {
238 + // Make client
239 + c, err := client.NewUDPClient("localhost:8089")
240 + if err != nil {
241 + panic(err.Error())
242 + }
243 +
244 + // Create a new point batch
245 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
246 + Precision: "s",
247 + })
248 +
249 + // Create a point and add to batch
250 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
251 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
252 + "idle": 10.1,
253 + "system": 53.3,
254 + "user": 46.6,
255 + }
256 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
257 + if err != nil {
258 + panic(err.Error())
259 + }
260 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
261 +
262 + // Write the batch
263 + c.Write(bp)
264 +}
265 +```
266 +
267 +### Point Splitting
268 +
269 +The UDP client now supports splitting single points that exceed the configured
270 +payload size. The logic for processing each point is listed here, starting with
271 +an empty payload.
272 +
273 +1. If adding the point to the current (non-empty) payload would exceed the
274 + configured size, send the current payload. Otherwise, add it to the current
275 + payload.
276 +1. If the point is smaller than the configured size, add it to the payload.
277 +1. If the point has no timestamp, just try to send the entire point as a single
278 + UDP payload, and process the next point.
279 +1. Since the point has a timestamp, re-use the existing measurement name,
280 + tagset, and timestamp and create multiple new points by splitting up the
281 + fields. The per-point length will be kept close to the configured size,
282 + staying under it if possible. This does mean that one large field, maybe a
283 + long string, could be sent as a larger-than-configured payload.
284 +
285 +The above logic attempts to respect configured payload sizes, but not sacrifice
286 +any data integrity. Points without a timestamp can't be split, as that may
287 +cause fields to have differing timestamps when processed by the server.
288 +
289 +## Go Docs
290 +
291 +Please refer to
292 +[http://godoc.org/github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2](http://godoc.org/github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2)
293 +for documentation.
294 +
295 +## See Also
296 +
297 +You can also examine how the client library is used by the
298 +[InfluxDB CLI](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/cmd/influx/main.go).
1 +package client_test
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "log"
6 + "math/rand"
7 + "net/url"
8 + "os"
9 + "strconv"
10 + "time"
11 +
12 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client"
13 +)
14 +
15 +func ExampleNewClient() {
16 + host, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", "localhost", 8086))
17 + if err != nil {
18 + log.Fatal(err)
19 + }
20 +
21 + // NOTE: this assumes you've setup a user and have setup shell env variables,
22 + // namely INFLUX_USER/INFLUX_PWD. If not just omit Username/Password below.
23 + conf := client.Config{
24 + URL: *host,
25 + Username: os.Getenv("INFLUX_USER"),
26 + Password: os.Getenv("INFLUX_PWD"),
27 + }
28 + con, err := client.NewClient(conf)
29 + if err != nil {
30 + log.Fatal(err)
31 + }
32 + log.Println("Connection", con)
33 +}
34 +
35 +func ExampleClient_Ping() {
36 + host, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", "localhost", 8086))
37 + if err != nil {
38 + log.Fatal(err)
39 + }
40 + con, err := client.NewClient(client.Config{URL: *host})
41 + if err != nil {
42 + log.Fatal(err)
43 + }
44 +
45 + dur, ver, err := con.Ping()
46 + if err != nil {
47 + log.Fatal(err)
48 + }
49 + log.Printf("Happy as a hippo! %v, %s", dur, ver)
50 +}
51 +
52 +func ExampleClient_Query() {
53 + host, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", "localhost", 8086))
54 + if err != nil {
55 + log.Fatal(err)
56 + }
57 + con, err := client.NewClient(client.Config{URL: *host})
58 + if err != nil {
59 + log.Fatal(err)
60 + }
61 +
62 + q := client.Query{
63 + Command: "select count(value) from shapes",
64 + Database: "square_holes",
65 + }
66 + if response, err := con.Query(q); err == nil && response.Error() == nil {
67 + log.Println(response.Results)
68 + }
69 +}
70 +
71 +func ExampleClient_Write() {
72 + host, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", "localhost", 8086))
73 + if err != nil {
74 + log.Fatal(err)
75 + }
76 + con, err := client.NewClient(client.Config{URL: *host})
77 + if err != nil {
78 + log.Fatal(err)
79 + }
80 +
81 + var (
82 + shapes = []string{"circle", "rectangle", "square", "triangle"}
83 + colors = []string{"red", "blue", "green"}
84 + sampleSize = 1000
85 + pts = make([]client.Point, sampleSize)
86 + )
87 +
88 + rand.Seed(42)
89 + for i := 0; i < sampleSize; i++ {
90 + pts[i] = client.Point{
91 + Measurement: "shapes",
92 + Tags: map[string]string{
93 + "color": strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(len(colors))),
94 + "shape": strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(len(shapes))),
95 + },
96 + Fields: map[string]interface{}{
97 + "value": rand.Intn(sampleSize),
98 + },
99 + Time: time.Now(),
100 + Precision: "s",
101 + }
102 + }
103 +
104 + bps := client.BatchPoints{
105 + Points: pts,
106 + Database: "BumbeBeeTuna",
107 + RetentionPolicy: "default",
108 + }
109 + _, err = con.Write(bps)
110 + if err != nil {
111 + log.Fatal(err)
112 + }
113 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +package client_test
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "math/rand"
6 + "os"
7 + "time"
8 +
9 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client/v2"
10 +)
11 +
12 +// Create a new client
13 +func ExampleClient() {
14 + // NOTE: this assumes you've setup a user and have setup shell env variables,
15 + // namely INFLUX_USER/INFLUX_PWD. If not just omit Username/Password below.
16 + _, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
17 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
18 + Username: os.Getenv("INFLUX_USER"),
19 + Password: os.Getenv("INFLUX_PWD"),
20 + })
21 + if err != nil {
22 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
23 + }
24 +}
25 +
26 +// Write a point using the UDP client
27 +func ExampleClient_uDP() {
28 + // Make client
29 + config := client.UDPConfig{Addr: "localhost:8089"}
30 + c, err := client.NewUDPClient(config)
31 + if err != nil {
32 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
33 + }
34 + defer c.Close()
35 +
36 + // Create a new point batch
37 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
38 + Precision: "s",
39 + })
40 +
41 + // Create a point and add to batch
42 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
43 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
44 + "idle": 10.1,
45 + "system": 53.3,
46 + "user": 46.6,
47 + }
48 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
49 + if err != nil {
50 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
51 + }
52 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
53 +
54 + // Write the batch
55 + c.Write(bp)
56 +}
57 +
58 +// Ping the cluster using the HTTP client
59 +func ExampleClient_Ping() {
60 + // Make client
61 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
62 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
63 + })
64 + if err != nil {
65 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
66 + }
67 + defer c.Close()
68 +
69 + _, _, err = c.Ping(0)
70 + if err != nil {
71 + fmt.Println("Error pinging InfluxDB Cluster: ", err.Error())
72 + }
73 +}
74 +
75 +// Write a point using the HTTP client
76 +func ExampleClient_write() {
77 + // Make client
78 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
79 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
80 + })
81 + if err != nil {
82 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
83 + }
84 + defer c.Close()
85 +
86 + // Create a new point batch
87 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
88 + Database: "BumbleBeeTuna",
89 + Precision: "s",
90 + })
91 +
92 + // Create a point and add to batch
93 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
94 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
95 + "idle": 10.1,
96 + "system": 53.3,
97 + "user": 46.6,
98 + }
99 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
100 + if err != nil {
101 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
102 + }
103 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
104 +
105 + // Write the batch
106 + c.Write(bp)
107 +}
108 +
109 +// Create a batch and add a point
110 +func ExampleBatchPoints() {
111 + // Create a new point batch
112 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
113 + Database: "BumbleBeeTuna",
114 + Precision: "s",
115 + })
116 +
117 + // Create a point and add to batch
118 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
119 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
120 + "idle": 10.1,
121 + "system": 53.3,
122 + "user": 46.6,
123 + }
124 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
125 + if err != nil {
126 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
127 + }
128 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
129 +}
130 +
131 +// Using the BatchPoints setter functions
132 +func ExampleBatchPoints_setters() {
133 + // Create a new point batch
134 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{})
135 + bp.SetDatabase("BumbleBeeTuna")
136 + bp.SetPrecision("ms")
137 +
138 + // Create a point and add to batch
139 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
140 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
141 + "idle": 10.1,
142 + "system": 53.3,
143 + "user": 46.6,
144 + }
145 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
146 + if err != nil {
147 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
148 + }
149 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
150 +}
151 +
152 +// Create a new point with a timestamp
153 +func ExamplePoint() {
154 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
155 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
156 + "idle": 10.1,
157 + "system": 53.3,
158 + "user": 46.6,
159 + }
160 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields, time.Now())
161 + if err == nil {
162 + fmt.Println("We created a point: ", pt.String())
163 + }
164 +}
165 +
166 +// Create a new point without a timestamp
167 +func ExamplePoint_withoutTime() {
168 + tags := map[string]string{"cpu": "cpu-total"}
169 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
170 + "idle": 10.1,
171 + "system": 53.3,
172 + "user": 46.6,
173 + }
174 + pt, err := client.NewPoint("cpu_usage", tags, fields)
175 + if err == nil {
176 + fmt.Println("We created a point w/o time: ", pt.String())
177 + }
178 +}
179 +
180 +// Write 1000 points
181 +func ExampleClient_write1000() {
182 + sampleSize := 1000
183 +
184 + // Make client
185 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
186 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
187 + })
188 + if err != nil {
189 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
190 + }
191 + defer c.Close()
192 +
193 + rand.Seed(42)
194 +
195 + bp, _ := client.NewBatchPoints(client.BatchPointsConfig{
196 + Database: "systemstats",
197 + Precision: "us",
198 + })
199 +
200 + for i := 0; i < sampleSize; i++ {
201 + regions := []string{"us-west1", "us-west2", "us-west3", "us-east1"}
202 + tags := map[string]string{
203 + "cpu": "cpu-total",
204 + "host": fmt.Sprintf("host%d", rand.Intn(1000)),
205 + "region": regions[rand.Intn(len(regions))],
206 + }
207 +
208 + idle := rand.Float64() * 100.0
209 + fields := map[string]interface{}{
210 + "idle": idle,
211 + "busy": 100.0 - idle,
212 + }
213 +
214 + pt, err := client.NewPoint(
215 + "cpu_usage",
216 + tags,
217 + fields,
218 + time.Now(),
219 + )
220 + if err != nil {
221 + println("Error:", err.Error())
222 + continue
223 + }
224 + bp.AddPoint(pt)
225 + }
226 +
227 + err = c.Write(bp)
228 + if err != nil {
229 + fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
230 + }
231 +}
232 +
233 +// Make a Query
234 +func ExampleClient_query() {
235 + // Make client
236 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
237 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
238 + })
239 + if err != nil {
240 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
241 + }
242 + defer c.Close()
243 +
244 + q := client.NewQuery("SELECT count(value) FROM shapes", "square_holes", "ns")
245 + if response, err := c.Query(q); err == nil && response.Error() == nil {
246 + fmt.Println(response.Results)
247 + }
248 +}
249 +
250 +// Create a Database with a query
251 +func ExampleClient_createDatabase() {
252 + // Make client
253 + c, err := client.NewHTTPClient(client.HTTPConfig{
254 + Addr: "http://localhost:8086",
255 + })
256 + if err != nil {
257 + fmt.Println("Error creating InfluxDB Client: ", err.Error())
258 + }
259 + defer c.Close()
260 +
261 + q := client.NewQuery("CREATE DATABASE telegraf", "", "")
262 + if response, err := c.Query(q); err == nil && response.Error() == nil {
263 + fmt.Println(response.Results)
264 + }
265 +}
1 +package client
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "io"
6 + "net"
7 + "time"
8 +)
9 +
10 +const (
11 + // UDPPayloadSize is a reasonable default payload size for UDP packets that
12 + // could be travelling over the internet.
13 + UDPPayloadSize = 512
14 +)
15 +
16 +// UDPConfig is the config data needed to create a UDP Client.
17 +type UDPConfig struct {
18 + // Addr should be of the form "host:port"
19 + // or "[ipv6-host%zone]:port".
20 + Addr string
21 +
22 + // PayloadSize is the maximum size of a UDP client message, optional
23 + // Tune this based on your network. Defaults to UDPPayloadSize.
24 + PayloadSize int
25 +}
26 +
27 +// NewUDPClient returns a client interface for writing to an InfluxDB UDP
28 +// service from the given config.
29 +func NewUDPClient(conf UDPConfig) (Client, error) {
30 + var udpAddr *net.UDPAddr
31 + udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", conf.Addr)
32 + if err != nil {
33 + return nil, err
34 + }
35 +
36 + conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, udpAddr)
37 + if err != nil {
38 + return nil, err
39 + }
40 +
41 + payloadSize := conf.PayloadSize
42 + if payloadSize == 0 {
43 + payloadSize = UDPPayloadSize
44 + }
45 +
46 + return &udpclient{
47 + conn: conn,
48 + payloadSize: payloadSize,
49 + }, nil
50 +}
51 +
52 +// Close releases the udpclient's resources.
53 +func (uc *udpclient) Close() error {
54 + return uc.conn.Close()
55 +}
56 +
57 +type udpclient struct {
58 + conn io.WriteCloser
59 + payloadSize int
60 +}
61 +
62 +func (uc *udpclient) Write(bp BatchPoints) error {
63 + var b = make([]byte, 0, uc.payloadSize) // initial buffer size, it will grow as needed
64 + var d, _ = time.ParseDuration("1" + bp.Precision())
65 +
66 + var delayedError error
67 +
68 + var checkBuffer = func(n int) {
69 + if len(b) > 0 && len(b)+n > uc.payloadSize {
70 + if _, err := uc.conn.Write(b); err != nil {
71 + delayedError = err
72 + }
73 + b = b[:0]
74 + }
75 + }
76 +
77 + for _, p := range bp.Points() {
78 + p.pt.Round(d)
79 + pointSize := p.pt.StringSize() + 1 // include newline in size
80 + //point := p.pt.RoundedString(d) + "\n"
81 +
82 + checkBuffer(pointSize)
83 +
84 + if p.Time().IsZero() || pointSize <= uc.payloadSize {
85 + b = p.pt.AppendString(b)
86 + b = append(b, '\n')
87 + continue
88 + }
89 +
90 + points := p.pt.Split(uc.payloadSize - 1) // account for newline character
91 + for _, sp := range points {
92 + checkBuffer(sp.StringSize() + 1)
93 + b = sp.AppendString(b)
94 + b = append(b, '\n')
95 + }
96 + }
97 +
98 + if len(b) > 0 {
99 + if _, err := uc.conn.Write(b); err != nil {
100 + return err
101 + }
102 + }
103 + return delayedError
104 +}
105 +
106 +func (uc *udpclient) Query(q Query) (*Response, error) {
107 + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Querying via UDP is not supported")
108 +}
109 +
110 +func (uc *udpclient) Ping(timeout time.Duration) (time.Duration, string, error) {
111 + return 0, "", nil
112 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +package cli
2 +
3 +import "testing"
4 +
5 +func TestParseCommand_InsertInto(t *testing.T) {
6 + t.Parallel()
7 +
8 + c := CommandLine{}
9 +
10 + tests := []struct {
11 + cmd, db, rp string
12 + }{
13 + {
14 + cmd: `INSERT INTO test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
15 + db: "",
16 + rp: "test",
17 + },
18 + {
19 + cmd: ` INSERT INTO .test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
20 + db: "",
21 + rp: "test",
22 + },
23 + {
24 + cmd: `INSERT INTO "test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
25 + db: "",
26 + rp: "test test",
27 + },
28 + {
29 + cmd: `Insert iNTO test.test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
30 + db: "test",
31 + rp: "test",
32 + },
33 + {
34 + cmd: `insert into "test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
35 + db: "",
36 + rp: "test test",
37 + },
38 + {
39 + cmd: `insert into "d b"."test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
40 + db: "d b",
41 + rp: "test test",
42 + },
43 + }
44 +
45 + for _, test := range tests {
46 + t.Logf("command: %s", test.cmd)
47 + bp, err := c.parseInsert(test.cmd)
48 + if err != nil {
49 + t.Fatal(err)
50 + }
51 + if bp.Database != test.db {
52 + t.Fatalf(`Command "insert into" db parsing failed, expected: %q, actual: %q`, test.db, bp.Database)
53 + }
54 + if bp.RetentionPolicy != test.rp {
55 + t.Fatalf(`Command "insert into" rp parsing failed, expected: %q, actual: %q`, test.rp, bp.RetentionPolicy)
56 + }
57 + }
58 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +package cli
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "bytes"
5 + "fmt"
6 +)
7 +
8 +func parseDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy(stmt []byte) (string, string, error) {
9 + var db, rp []byte
10 + var quoted bool
11 + var seperatorCount int
12 +
13 + stmt = bytes.TrimSpace(stmt)
14 +
15 + for _, b := range stmt {
16 + if b == '"' {
17 + quoted = !quoted
18 + continue
19 + }
20 + if b == '.' && !quoted {
21 + seperatorCount++
22 + if seperatorCount > 1 {
23 + return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unable to parse database and retention policy from %s", string(stmt))
24 + }
25 + continue
26 + }
27 + if seperatorCount == 1 {
28 + rp = append(rp, b)
29 + continue
30 + }
31 + db = append(db, b)
32 + }
33 + return string(db), string(rp), nil
34 +}
1 +package cli
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "errors"
5 + "testing"
6 +)
7 +
8 +func Test_parseDatabaseAndretentionPolicy(t *testing.T) {
9 + tests := []struct {
10 + stmt string
11 + db string
12 + rp string
13 + err error
14 + }{
15 + {
16 + stmt: `foo`,
17 + db: "foo",
18 + },
19 + {
20 + stmt: `"foo.bar"`,
21 + db: "foo.bar",
22 + },
23 + {
24 + stmt: `"foo.bar".`,
25 + db: "foo.bar",
26 + },
27 + {
28 + stmt: `."foo.bar"`,
29 + rp: "foo.bar",
30 + },
31 + {
32 + stmt: `foo.bar`,
33 + db: "foo",
34 + rp: "bar",
35 + },
36 + {
37 + stmt: `"foo".bar`,
38 + db: "foo",
39 + rp: "bar",
40 + },
41 + {
42 + stmt: `"foo"."bar"`,
43 + db: "foo",
44 + rp: "bar",
45 + },
46 + {
47 + stmt: `"foo.bin"."bar"`,
48 + db: "foo.bin",
49 + rp: "bar",
50 + },
51 + {
52 + stmt: `"foo.bin"."bar.baz...."`,
53 + db: "foo.bin",
54 + rp: "bar.baz....",
55 + },
56 + {
57 + stmt: ` "foo.bin"."bar.baz...." `,
58 + db: "foo.bin",
59 + rp: "bar.baz....",
60 + },
61 +
62 + {
63 + stmt: `"foo.bin"."bar".boom`,
64 + err: errors.New("foo"),
65 + },
66 + {
67 + stmt: "foo.bar.",
68 + err: errors.New("foo"),
69 + },
70 + }
71 +
72 + for _, test := range tests {
73 + db, rp, err := parseDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy([]byte(test.stmt))
74 + if err != nil && test.err == nil {
75 + t.Errorf("unexpected error: got %s", err)
76 + continue
77 + }
78 + if test.err != nil && err == nil {
79 + t.Errorf("expected err: got: nil, exp: %s", test.err)
80 + continue
81 + }
82 + if db != test.db {
83 + t.Errorf("unexpected database: got: %s, exp: %s", db, test.db)
84 + }
85 + if rp != test.rp {
86 + t.Errorf("unexpected retention policy: got: %s, exp: %s", rp, test.rp)
87 + }
88 + }
89 +
90 +}
1 +// The influx command is a CLI client to InfluxDB.
2 +package main
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "flag"
6 + "fmt"
7 + "os"
8 +
9 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/client"
10 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx/cli"
11 +)
12 +
13 +// These variables are populated via the Go linker.
14 +var (
15 + version string
16 +)
17 +
18 +const (
19 + // defaultFormat is the default format of the results when issuing queries
20 + defaultFormat = "column"
21 +
22 + // defaultPrecision is the default timestamp format of the results when issuing queries
23 + defaultPrecision = "ns"
24 +
25 + // defaultPPS is the default points per second that the import will throttle at
26 + // by default it's 0, which means it will not throttle
27 + defaultPPS = 0
28 +)
29 +
30 +func init() {
31 + // If version is not set, make that clear.
32 + if version == "" {
33 + version = "unknown"
34 + }
35 +}
36 +
37 +func main() {
38 + c := cli.New(version)
39 +
40 + fs := flag.NewFlagSet("InfluxDB shell version "+version, flag.ExitOnError)
41 + fs.StringVar(&c.Host, "host", client.DefaultHost, "Influxdb host to connect to.")
42 + fs.IntVar(&c.Port, "port", client.DefaultPort, "Influxdb port to connect to.")
43 + fs.StringVar(&c.ClientConfig.UnixSocket, "socket", "", "Influxdb unix socket to connect to.")
44 + fs.StringVar(&c.ClientConfig.Username, "username", "", "Username to connect to the server.")
45 + fs.StringVar(&c.ClientConfig.Password, "password", "", `Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password="").`)
46 + fs.StringVar(&c.Database, "database", c.Database, "Database to connect to the server.")
47 + fs.BoolVar(&c.Ssl, "ssl", false, "Use https for connecting to cluster.")
48 + fs.BoolVar(&c.ClientConfig.UnsafeSsl, "unsafeSsl", false, "Set this when connecting to the cluster using https and not use SSL verification.")
49 + fs.StringVar(&c.Format, "format", defaultFormat, "Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column.")
50 + fs.StringVar(&c.ClientConfig.Precision, "precision", defaultPrecision, "Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339,h,m,s,ms,u or ns.")
51 + fs.StringVar(&c.ClientConfig.WriteConsistency, "consistency", "all", "Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all.")
52 + fs.BoolVar(&c.Pretty, "pretty", false, "Turns on pretty print for the json format.")
53 + fs.StringVar(&c.Execute, "execute", c.Execute, "Execute command and quit.")
54 + fs.BoolVar(&c.ShowVersion, "version", false, "Displays the InfluxDB version.")
55 + fs.BoolVar(&c.Import, "import", false, "Import a previous database.")
56 + fs.IntVar(&c.ImporterConfig.PPS, "pps", defaultPPS, "How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.")
57 + fs.StringVar(&c.ImporterConfig.Path, "path", "", "path to the file to import")
58 + fs.BoolVar(&c.ImporterConfig.Compressed, "compressed", false, "set to true if the import file is compressed")
59 +
60 + // Define our own custom usage to print
61 + fs.Usage = func() {
62 + fmt.Println(`Usage of influx:
63 + -version
64 + Display the version and exit.
65 + -host 'host name'
66 + Host to connect to.
67 + -port 'port #'
68 + Port to connect to.
69 + -socket 'unix domain socket'
70 + Unix socket to connect to.
71 + -database 'database name'
72 + Database to connect to the server.
73 + -password 'password'
74 + Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password '').
75 + -username 'username'
76 + Username to connect to the server.
77 + -ssl
78 + Use https for requests.
79 + -unsafeSsl
80 + Set this when connecting to the cluster using https and not use SSL verification.
81 + -execute 'command'
82 + Execute command and quit.
83 + -format 'json|csv|column'
84 + Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column.
85 + -precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns'
86 + Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.
87 + -consistency 'any|one|quorum|all'
88 + Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
89 + -pretty
90 + Turns on pretty print for the json format.
91 + -import
92 + Import a previous database export from file
93 + -pps
94 + How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.
95 + -path
96 + Path to file to import
97 + -compressed
98 + Set to true if the import file is compressed
99 +
100 +Examples:
101 +
102 + # Use influx in a non-interactive mode to query the database "metrics" and pretty print json:
103 + $ influx -database 'metrics' -execute 'select * from cpu' -format 'json' -pretty
104 +
105 + # Connect to a specific database on startup and set database context:
106 + $ influx -database 'metrics' -host 'localhost' -port '8086'
107 +`)
108 + }
109 + fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])
110 +
111 + if c.ShowVersion {
112 + c.Version()
113 + os.Exit(0)
114 + }
115 +
116 + if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
117 + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
118 + os.Exit(1)
119 + }
120 +}
1 +# `influx_inspect`
2 +
3 +## Ways to run
4 +
5 +### `influx_inspect`
6 +Will print usage for the tool.
7 +
8 +### `influx_inspect report`
9 +Displays series meta-data for all shards. Default location [$HOME/.influxdb]
10 +
11 +### `influx_inspect dumptsm`
12 +Dumps low-level details about tsm1 files
13 +
14 +#### Flags
15 +
16 +##### `-index` bool
17 +Dump raw index data.
18 +
19 +`default` = false
20 +
21 +#### `-blocks` bool
22 +Dump raw block data.
23 +
24 +`default` = false
25 +
26 +#### `-all`
27 +Dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information.
28 +
29 +`default` = false
30 +
31 +#### `-filter-key`
32 +Only display index and block data match this key substring.
33 +
34 +`default` = ""
35 +
36 +
37 +### `influx_inspect export`
38 +Exports all tsm files to line protocol. This output file can be imported via the [influx](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tree/master/importer#running-the-import-command) command.
39 +
40 +
41 +#### `-datadir` string
42 +Data storage path.
43 +
44 +`default` = "$HOME/.influxdb/data"
45 +
46 +#### `-waldir` string
47 +WAL storage path.
48 +
49 +`default` = "$HOME/.influxdb/wal"
50 +
51 +#### `-out` string
52 +Destination file to export to
53 +
54 +`default` = "$HOME/.influxdb/export"
55 +
56 +#### `-database` string (optional)
57 +Database to export.
58 +
59 +`default` = ""
60 +
61 +#### `-retention` string (optional)
62 +Retention policy to export.
63 +
64 +`default` = ""
65 +
66 +#### `-start` string (optional)
67 +Optional. The time range to start at.
68 +
69 +#### `-end` string (optional)
70 +Optional. The time range to end at.
71 +
72 +#### `-compress` bool (optional)
73 +Compress the output.
74 +
75 +`default` = false
76 +
77 +#### Sample Commands
78 +
79 +Export entire database and compress output:
80 +```
81 +influx_inspect export --compress
82 +```
83 +
84 +Export specific retention policy:
85 +```
86 +influx_inspect export --database mydb --retention autogen
87 +```
88 +
89 +##### Sample Data
90 +This is a sample of what the output will look like.
91 +
92 +```
93 +# DDL
96 +
97 +# DML
100 +randset value=97.9296104805 1439856000000000000
101 +randset value=25.3849066842 1439856100000000000
102 +```
103 +
104 +# Caveats
105 +
106 +The system does not have access to the meta store when exporting TSM shards. As such, it always creates the retention policy with infinite duration and replication factor of 1.
107 +End users may want to change this prior to re-importing if they are importing to a cluster or want a different duration for retention.
1 +// Package dumptsm inspects low-level details about tsm1 files.
2 +package dumptsm
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "encoding/binary"
6 + "flag"
7 + "fmt"
8 + "io"
9 + "os"
10 + "strconv"
11 + "strings"
12 + "text/tabwriter"
13 + "time"
14 +
15 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
16 +)
17 +
18 +// Command represents the program execution for "influxd dumptsm".
19 +type Command struct {
20 + // Standard input/output, overridden for testing.
21 + Stderr io.Writer
22 + Stdout io.Writer
23 +
24 + dumpIndex bool
25 + dumpBlocks bool
26 + dumpAll bool
27 + filterKey string
28 + path string
29 +}
30 +
31 +// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command.
32 +func NewCommand() *Command {
33 + return &Command{
34 + Stderr: os.Stderr,
35 + Stdout: os.Stdout,
36 + }
37 +}
38 +
39 +// Run executes the command.
40 +func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
41 + fs := flag.NewFlagSet("file", flag.ExitOnError)
42 + fs.BoolVar(&cmd.dumpIndex, "index", false, "Dump raw index data")
43 + fs.BoolVar(&cmd.dumpBlocks, "blocks", false, "Dump raw block data")
44 + fs.BoolVar(&cmd.dumpAll, "all", false, "Dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information")
45 + fs.StringVar(&cmd.filterKey, "filter-key", "", "Only display index and block data match this key substring")
46 +
47 + fs.SetOutput(cmd.Stdout)
48 + fs.Usage = cmd.printUsage
49 +
50 + if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
51 + return err
52 + }
53 +
54 + if fs.Arg(0) == "" {
55 + fmt.Printf("TSM file not specified\n\n")
56 + fs.Usage()
57 + return nil
58 + }
59 + cmd.path = fs.Args()[0]
60 + cmd.dumpBlocks = cmd.dumpBlocks || cmd.dumpAll || cmd.filterKey != ""
61 + cmd.dumpIndex = cmd.dumpIndex || cmd.dumpAll || cmd.filterKey != ""
62 + return cmd.dump()
63 +}
64 +
65 +func (cmd *Command) dump() error {
66 + var errors []error
67 +
68 + f, err := os.Open(cmd.path)
69 + if err != nil {
70 + return err
71 + }
72 +
73 + // Get the file size
74 + stat, err := f.Stat()
75 + if err != nil {
76 + return err
77 + }
78 + b := make([]byte, 8)
79 +
80 + r, err := tsm1.NewTSMReader(f)
81 + if err != nil {
82 + return fmt.Errorf("Error opening TSM files: %s", err.Error())
83 + }
84 + defer r.Close()
85 +
86 + minTime, maxTime := r.TimeRange()
87 + keyCount := r.KeyCount()
88 +
89 + blockStats := &blockStats{}
90 +
91 + println("Summary:")
92 + fmt.Printf(" File: %s\n", cmd.path)
93 + fmt.Printf(" Time Range: %s - %s\n",
94 + time.Unix(0, minTime).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
95 + time.Unix(0, maxTime).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
96 + )
97 + fmt.Printf(" Duration: %s ", time.Unix(0, maxTime).Sub(time.Unix(0, minTime)))
98 + fmt.Printf(" Series: %d ", keyCount)
99 + fmt.Printf(" File Size: %d\n", stat.Size())
100 + println()
101 +
102 + tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(cmd.Stdout, 8, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
103 +
104 + if cmd.dumpIndex {
105 + println("Index:")
106 + tw.Flush()
107 + println()
108 +
109 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, " "+strings.Join([]string{"Pos", "Min Time", "Max Time", "Ofs", "Size", "Key", "Field"}, "\t"))
110 + var pos int
111 + for i := 0; i < keyCount; i++ {
112 + key, _ := r.KeyAt(i)
113 + for _, e := range r.Entries(string(key)) {
114 + pos++
115 + split := strings.Split(string(key), "#!~#")
116 +
117 + // Possible corruption? Try to read as much as we can and point to the problem.
118 + measurement := split[0]
119 + field := split[1]
120 +
121 + if cmd.filterKey != "" && !strings.Contains(string(key), cmd.filterKey) {
122 + continue
123 + }
124 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, " "+strings.Join([]string{
125 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(pos), 10),
126 + time.Unix(0, e.MinTime).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
127 + time.Unix(0, e.MaxTime).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
128 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Offset), 10),
129 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e.Size), 10),
130 + measurement,
131 + field,
132 + }, "\t"))
133 + tw.Flush()
134 + }
135 + }
136 + }
137 +
138 + tw = tabwriter.NewWriter(cmd.Stdout, 8, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
139 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, " "+strings.Join([]string{"Blk", "Chk", "Ofs", "Len", "Type", "Min Time", "Points", "Enc [T/V]", "Len [T/V]"}, "\t"))
140 +
141 + // Starting at 5 because the magic number is 4 bytes + 1 byte version
142 + i := int64(5)
143 + var blockCount, pointCount, blockSize int64
144 + indexSize := r.IndexSize()
145 +
146 + // Start at the beginning and read every block
147 + for j := 0; j < keyCount; j++ {
148 + key, _ := r.KeyAt(j)
149 + for _, e := range r.Entries(string(key)) {
150 +
151 + f.Seek(int64(e.Offset), 0)
152 + f.Read(b[:4])
153 +
154 + chksum := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[:4])
155 +
156 + buf := make([]byte, e.Size-4)
157 + f.Read(buf)
158 +
159 + blockSize += int64(e.Size)
160 +
161 + if cmd.filterKey != "" && !strings.Contains(string(key), cmd.filterKey) {
162 + i += blockSize
163 + blockCount++
164 + continue
165 + }
166 +
167 + blockType := buf[0]
168 +
169 + encoded := buf[1:]
170 +
171 + var v []tsm1.Value
172 + v, err := tsm1.DecodeBlock(buf, v)
173 + if err != nil {
174 + return err
175 + }
176 + startTime := time.Unix(0, v[0].UnixNano())
177 +
178 + pointCount += int64(len(v))
179 +
180 + // Length of the timestamp block
181 + tsLen, j := binary.Uvarint(encoded)
182 +
183 + // Unpack the timestamp bytes
184 + ts := encoded[int(j) : int(j)+int(tsLen)]
185 +
186 + // Unpack the value bytes
187 + values := encoded[int(j)+int(tsLen):]
188 +
189 + tsEncoding := timeEnc[int(ts[0]>>4)]
190 + vEncoding := encDescs[int(blockType+1)][values[0]>>4]
191 +
192 + typeDesc := blockTypes[blockType]
193 +
194 + blockStats.inc(0, ts[0]>>4)
195 + blockStats.inc(int(blockType+1), values[0]>>4)
196 + blockStats.size(len(buf))
197 +
198 + if cmd.dumpBlocks {
199 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, " "+strings.Join([]string{
200 + strconv.FormatInt(blockCount, 10),
201 + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(chksum), 10),
202 + strconv.FormatInt(i, 10),
203 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(buf)), 10),
204 + typeDesc,
205 + startTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
206 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(v)), 10),
207 + fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tsEncoding, vEncoding),
208 + fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", len(ts), len(values)),
209 + }, "\t"))
210 + }
211 +
212 + i += blockSize
213 + blockCount++
214 + }
215 + }
216 +
217 + if cmd.dumpBlocks {
218 + println("Blocks:")
219 + tw.Flush()
220 + println()
221 + }
222 +
223 + var blockSizeAvg int64
224 + if blockCount > 0 {
225 + blockSizeAvg = blockSize / blockCount
226 + }
227 + fmt.Printf("Statistics\n")
228 + fmt.Printf(" Blocks:\n")
229 + fmt.Printf(" Total: %d Size: %d Min: %d Max: %d Avg: %d\n",
230 + blockCount, blockSize, blockStats.min, blockStats.max, blockSizeAvg)
231 + fmt.Printf(" Index:\n")
232 + fmt.Printf(" Total: %d Size: %d\n", blockCount, indexSize)
233 + fmt.Printf(" Points:\n")
234 + fmt.Printf(" Total: %d", pointCount)
235 + println()
236 +
237 + println(" Encoding:")
238 + for i, counts := range blockStats.counts {
239 + if len(counts) == 0 {
240 + continue
241 + }
242 + fmt.Printf(" %s: ", strings.Title(fieldType[i]))
243 + for j, v := range counts {
244 + fmt.Printf("\t%s: %d (%d%%) ", encDescs[i][j], v, int(float64(v)/float64(blockCount)*100))
245 + }
246 + println()
247 + }
248 + fmt.Printf(" Compression:\n")
249 + fmt.Printf(" Per block: %0.2f bytes/point\n", float64(blockSize)/float64(pointCount))
250 + fmt.Printf(" Total: %0.2f bytes/point\n", float64(stat.Size())/float64(pointCount))
251 +
252 + if len(errors) > 0 {
253 + println()
254 + fmt.Printf("Errors (%d):\n", len(errors))
255 + for _, err := range errors {
256 + fmt.Printf(" * %v\n", err)
257 + }
258 + println()
259 + return fmt.Errorf("error count %d", len(errors))
260 + }
261 + return nil
262 +}
263 +
264 +// printUsage prints the usage message to STDERR.
265 +func (cmd *Command) printUsage() {
266 + usage := `Dumps low-level details about tsm1 files.
267 +
268 +Usage: influx_inspect dumptsm [flags] <path
269 +
270 + -index
271 + Dump raw index data
272 + -blocks
273 + Dump raw block data
274 + -all
275 + Dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information
276 + -filter-key <name>
277 + Only display index and block data match this key substring
278 +`
279 +
280 + fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout, usage)
281 +}
282 +
283 +var (
284 + fieldType = []string{
285 + "timestamp", "float", "int", "bool", "string",
286 + }
287 + blockTypes = []string{
288 + "float64", "int64", "bool", "string",
289 + }
290 + timeEnc = []string{
291 + "none", "s8b", "rle",
292 + }
293 + floatEnc = []string{
294 + "none", "gor",
295 + }
296 + intEnc = []string{
297 + "none", "s8b", "rle",
298 + }
299 + boolEnc = []string{
300 + "none", "bp",
301 + }
302 + stringEnc = []string{
303 + "none", "snpy",
304 + }
305 + encDescs = [][]string{
306 + timeEnc, floatEnc, intEnc, boolEnc, stringEnc,
307 + }
308 +)
309 +
310 +type blockStats struct {
311 + min, max int
312 + counts [][]int
313 +}
314 +
315 +func (b *blockStats) inc(typ int, enc byte) {
316 + for len(b.counts) <= typ {
317 + b.counts = append(b.counts, []int{})
318 + }
319 + for len(b.counts[typ]) <= int(enc) {
320 + b.counts[typ] = append(b.counts[typ], 0)
321 + }
322 + b.counts[typ][enc]++
323 +}
324 +
325 +func (b *blockStats) size(sz int) {
326 + if b.min == 0 || sz < b.min {
327 + b.min = sz
328 + }
329 + if b.min == 0 || sz > b.max {
330 + b.max = sz
331 + }
332 +}
1 +package export
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "bytes"
5 + "fmt"
6 + "io/ioutil"
7 + "math"
8 + "math/rand"
9 + "os"
10 + "sort"
11 + "strconv"
12 + "strings"
13 + "testing"
14 +
15 + "github.com/golang/snappy"
16 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
17 +)
18 +
19 +type corpus map[string][]tsm1.Value
20 +
21 +var (
22 + basicCorpus = corpus{
23 + tsm1.SeriesFieldKey("floats,k=f", "f"): []tsm1.Value{
24 + tsm1.NewValue(1, float64(1.5)),
25 + tsm1.NewValue(2, float64(3)),
26 + },
27 + tsm1.SeriesFieldKey("ints,k=i", "i"): []tsm1.Value{
28 + tsm1.NewValue(10, int64(15)),
29 + tsm1.NewValue(20, int64(30)),
30 + },
31 + tsm1.SeriesFieldKey("bools,k=b", "b"): []tsm1.Value{
32 + tsm1.NewValue(100, true),
33 + tsm1.NewValue(200, false),
34 + },
35 + tsm1.SeriesFieldKey("strings,k=s", "s"): []tsm1.Value{
36 + tsm1.NewValue(1000, "1k"),
37 + tsm1.NewValue(2000, "2k"),
38 + },
39 + }
40 +
41 + basicCorpusExpLines = []string{
42 + "floats,k=f f=1.5 1",
43 + "floats,k=f f=3 2",
44 + "ints,k=i i=15i 10",
45 + "ints,k=i i=30i 20",
46 + "bools,k=b b=true 100",
47 + "bools,k=b b=false 200",
48 + `strings,k=s s="1k" 1000`,
49 + `strings,k=s s="2k" 2000`,
50 + }
51 +
52 + escapeStringCorpus = corpus{
53 + tsm1.SeriesFieldKey("t", "s"): []tsm1.Value{
54 + tsm1.NewValue(1, `1. "quotes"`),
55 + tsm1.NewValue(2, `2. back\slash`),
56 + tsm1.NewValue(3, `3. bs\q"`),
57 + },
58 + }
59 +
60 + escCorpusExpLines = []string{
61 + `t s="1. \"quotes\"" 1`,
62 + `t s="2. back\\slash" 2`,
63 + `t s="3. bs\\q\"" 3`,
64 + }
65 +)
66 +
67 +func Test_exportWALFile(t *testing.T) {
68 + for _, c := range []struct {
69 + corpus corpus
70 + lines []string
71 + }{
72 + {corpus: basicCorpus, lines: basicCorpusExpLines},
73 + {corpus: escapeStringCorpus, lines: escCorpusExpLines},
74 + } {
75 + walFile := writeCorpusToWALFile(c.corpus)
76 + defer os.Remove(walFile.Name())
77 +
78 + var out bytes.Buffer
79 + if err := newCommand().exportWALFile(walFile.Name(), &out, func() {}); err != nil {
80 + t.Fatal(err)
81 + }
82 +
83 + lines := strings.Split(out.String(), "\n")
84 + for _, exp := range c.lines {
85 + found := false
86 + for _, l := range lines {
87 + if exp == l {
88 + found = true
89 + break
90 + }
91 + }
92 +
93 + if !found {
94 + t.Fatalf("expected line %q to be in exported output:\n%s", exp, out.String())
95 + }
96 + }
97 + }
98 +}
99 +
100 +func Test_exportTSMFile(t *testing.T) {
101 + for _, c := range []struct {
102 + corpus corpus
103 + lines []string
104 + }{
105 + {corpus: basicCorpus, lines: basicCorpusExpLines},
106 + {corpus: escapeStringCorpus, lines: escCorpusExpLines},
107 + } {
108 + tsmFile := writeCorpusToTSMFile(c.corpus)
109 + defer os.Remove(tsmFile.Name())
110 +
111 + var out bytes.Buffer
112 + if err := newCommand().exportTSMFile(tsmFile.Name(), &out); err != nil {
113 + t.Fatal(err)
114 + }
115 +
116 + lines := strings.Split(out.String(), "\n")
117 + for _, exp := range c.lines {
118 + found := false
119 + for _, l := range lines {
120 + if exp == l {
121 + found = true
122 + break
123 + }
124 + }
125 +
126 + if !found {
127 + t.Fatalf("expected line %q to be in exported output:\n%s", exp, out.String())
128 + }
129 + }
130 + }
131 +}
132 +
133 +var sink interface{}
134 +
135 +func benchmarkExportTSM(c corpus, b *testing.B) {
136 + // Garbage collection is relatively likely to happen during export, so track allocations.
137 + b.ReportAllocs()
138 +
139 + f := writeCorpusToTSMFile(c)
140 + defer os.Remove(f.Name())
141 +
142 + cmd := newCommand()
143 + var out bytes.Buffer
144 + b.ResetTimer()
145 + b.StartTimer()
146 + for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
147 + if err := cmd.exportTSMFile(f.Name(), &out); err != nil {
148 + b.Fatal(err)
149 + }
150 +
151 + sink = out.Bytes()
152 + out.Reset()
153 + }
154 +}
155 +
156 +func BenchmarkExportTSMFloats_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
157 + benchmarkExportTSM(makeFloatsCorpus(100, 250), b)
158 +}
159 +
160 +func BenchmarkExportTSMInts_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
161 + benchmarkExportTSM(makeIntsCorpus(100, 250), b)
162 +}
163 +
164 +func BenchmarkExportTSMBools_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
165 + benchmarkExportTSM(makeBoolsCorpus(100, 250), b)
166 +}
167 +
168 +func BenchmarkExportTSMStrings_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
169 + benchmarkExportTSM(makeStringsCorpus(100, 250), b)
170 +}
171 +
172 +func benchmarkExportWAL(c corpus, b *testing.B) {
173 + // Garbage collection is relatively likely to happen during export, so track allocations.
174 + b.ReportAllocs()
175 +
176 + f := writeCorpusToWALFile(c)
177 + defer os.Remove(f.Name())
178 +
179 + cmd := newCommand()
180 + var out bytes.Buffer
181 + b.ResetTimer()
182 + b.StartTimer()
183 + for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
184 + if err := cmd.exportWALFile(f.Name(), &out, func() {}); err != nil {
185 + b.Fatal(err)
186 + }
187 +
188 + sink = out.Bytes()
189 + out.Reset()
190 + }
191 +}
192 +
193 +func BenchmarkExportWALFloats_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
194 + benchmarkExportWAL(makeFloatsCorpus(100, 250), b)
195 +}
196 +
197 +func BenchmarkExportWALInts_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
198 + benchmarkExportWAL(makeIntsCorpus(100, 250), b)
199 +}
200 +
201 +func BenchmarkExportWALBools_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
202 + benchmarkExportWAL(makeBoolsCorpus(100, 250), b)
203 +}
204 +
205 +func BenchmarkExportWALStrings_100s_250vps(b *testing.B) {
206 + benchmarkExportWAL(makeStringsCorpus(100, 250), b)
207 +}
208 +
209 +// newCommand returns a command that discards its output and that accepts all timestamps.
210 +func newCommand() *Command {
211 + return &Command{
212 + Stderr: ioutil.Discard,
213 + Stdout: ioutil.Discard,
214 + startTime: math.MinInt64,
215 + endTime: math.MaxInt64,
216 + }
217 +}
218 +
219 +// makeCorpus returns a new corpus filled with values generated by fn.
220 +// The RNG passed to fn is seeded with numSeries * numValuesPerSeries, for predictable output.
221 +func makeCorpus(numSeries, numValuesPerSeries int, fn func(*rand.Rand) interface{}) corpus {
222 + rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(numSeries) * int64(numValuesPerSeries)))
223 + var unixNano int64
224 + corpus := make(corpus, numSeries)
225 + for i := 0; i < numSeries; i++ {
226 + vals := make([]tsm1.Value, numValuesPerSeries)
227 + for j := 0; j < numValuesPerSeries; j++ {
228 + vals[j] = tsm1.NewValue(unixNano, fn(rng))
229 + unixNano++
230 + }
231 +
232 + k := fmt.Sprintf("m,t=%d", i)
233 + corpus[tsm1.SeriesFieldKey(k, "x")] = vals
234 + }
235 +
236 + return corpus
237 +}
238 +
239 +func makeFloatsCorpus(numSeries, numFloatsPerSeries int) corpus {
240 + return makeCorpus(numSeries, numFloatsPerSeries, func(rng *rand.Rand) interface{} {
241 + return rng.Float64()
242 + })
243 +}
244 +
245 +func makeIntsCorpus(numSeries, numIntsPerSeries int) corpus {
246 + return makeCorpus(numSeries, numIntsPerSeries, func(rng *rand.Rand) interface{} {
247 + // This will only return positive integers. That's probably okay.
248 + return rng.Int63()
249 + })
250 +}
251 +
252 +func makeBoolsCorpus(numSeries, numBoolsPerSeries int) corpus {
253 + return makeCorpus(numSeries, numBoolsPerSeries, func(rng *rand.Rand) interface{} {
254 + return rand.Int63n(2) == 1
255 + })
256 +}
257 +
258 +func makeStringsCorpus(numSeries, numStringsPerSeries int) corpus {
259 + return makeCorpus(numSeries, numStringsPerSeries, func(rng *rand.Rand) interface{} {
260 + // The string will randomly have 2-6 parts
261 + parts := make([]string, rand.Intn(4)+2)
262 +
263 + for i := range parts {
264 + // Each part is a random base36-encoded number
265 + parts[i] = strconv.FormatInt(rand.Int63(), 36)
266 + }
267 +
268 + // Join the individual parts with underscores.
269 + return strings.Join(parts, "_")
270 + })
271 +}
272 +
273 +// writeCorpusToWALFile writes the given corpus as a WAL file, and returns a handle to that file.
274 +// It is the caller's responsibility to remove the returned temp file.
275 +// writeCorpusToWALFile will panic on any error that occurs.
276 +func writeCorpusToWALFile(c corpus) *os.File {
277 + walFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "export_test_corpus_wal")
278 + if err != nil {
279 + panic(err)
280 + }
281 +
282 + e := &tsm1.WriteWALEntry{Values: c}
283 + b, err := e.Encode(nil)
284 + if err != nil {
285 + panic(err)
286 + }
287 +
288 + w := tsm1.NewWALSegmentWriter(walFile)
289 + if err := w.Write(e.Type(), snappy.Encode(nil, b)); err != nil {
290 + panic(err)
291 + }
292 +
293 + // (*tsm1.WALSegmentWriter).sync isn't exported, but it only Syncs the file anyway.
294 + if err := walFile.Sync(); err != nil {
295 + panic(err)
296 + }
297 +
298 + return walFile
299 +}
300 +
301 +// writeCorpusToTSMFile writes the given corpus as a TSM file, and returns a handle to that file.
302 +// It is the caller's responsibility to remove the returned temp file.
303 +// writeCorpusToTSMFile will panic on any error that occurs.
304 +func writeCorpusToTSMFile(c corpus) *os.File {
305 + tsmFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "export_test_corpus_tsm")
306 + if err != nil {
307 + panic(err)
308 + }
309 +
310 + w, err := tsm1.NewTSMWriter(tsmFile)
311 + if err != nil {
312 + panic(err)
313 + }
314 +
315 + // Write the series in alphabetical order so that each test run is comparable,
316 + // given an identical corpus.
317 + keys := make([]string, 0, len(c))
318 + for k := range c {
319 + keys = append(keys, k)
320 + }
321 + sort.Strings(keys)
322 + for _, k := range keys {
323 + if err := w.Write(k, c[k]); err != nil {
324 + panic(err)
325 + }
326 + }
327 +
328 + if err := w.WriteIndex(); err != nil {
329 + panic(err)
330 + }
331 +
332 + if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
333 + panic(err)
334 + }
335 +
336 + return tsmFile
337 +}
1 +// Package help contains the help for the influx_inspect command.
2 +package help
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "fmt"
6 + "io"
7 + "os"
8 + "strings"
9 +)
10 +
11 +// Command displays help for command-line sub-commands.
12 +type Command struct {
13 + Stdout io.Writer
14 +}
15 +
16 +// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command.
17 +func NewCommand() *Command {
18 + return &Command{
19 + Stdout: os.Stdout,
20 + }
21 +}
22 +
23 +// Run executes the command.
24 +func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
25 + fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Stdout, strings.TrimSpace(usage))
26 + return nil
27 +}
28 +
29 +const usage = `
30 +Usage: influx_inspect [[command] [arguments]]
31 +
32 +The commands are:
33 +
34 + dumptsm dumps low-level details about tsm1 files.
35 + export exports raw data from a shard to line protocol
36 + help display this help message
37 + report displays a shard level report
38 + verify verifies integrity of TSM files
39 +
40 +"help" is the default command.
41 +
42 +Use "influx_inspect [command] -help" for more information about a command.
43 +`
1 +// The influx_inspect command displays detailed information about InfluxDB data files.
2 +package main
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "fmt"
6 + "io"
7 + "log"
8 + "os"
9 +
10 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd"
11 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_inspect/dumptsm"
12 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_inspect/export"
13 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_inspect/help"
14 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_inspect/report"
15 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_inspect/verify"
16 + _ "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine"
17 +)
18 +
19 +func main() {
20 + m := NewMain()
21 + if err := m.Run(os.Args[1:]...); err != nil {
22 + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
23 + os.Exit(1)
24 + }
25 +}
26 +
27 +// Main represents the program execution.
28 +type Main struct {
29 + Logger *log.Logger
30 +
31 + Stdin io.Reader
32 + Stdout io.Writer
33 + Stderr io.Writer
34 +}
35 +
36 +// NewMain returns a new instance of Main.
37 +func NewMain() *Main {
38 + return &Main{
39 + Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[influx_inspect] ", log.LstdFlags),
40 + Stdin: os.Stdin,
41 + Stdout: os.Stdout,
42 + Stderr: os.Stderr,
43 + }
44 +}
45 +
46 +// Run determines and runs the command specified by the CLI args.
47 +func (m *Main) Run(args ...string) error {
48 + name, args := cmd.ParseCommandName(args)
49 +
50 + // Extract name from args.
51 + switch name {
52 + case "", "help":
53 + if err := help.NewCommand().Run(args...); err != nil {
54 + return fmt.Errorf("help: %s", err)
55 + }
56 + case "dumptsmdev":
57 + fmt.Fprintf(m.Stderr, "warning: dumptsmdev is deprecated, use dumptsm instead.\n")
58 + fallthrough
59 + case "dumptsm":
60 + name := dumptsm.NewCommand()
61 + if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
62 + return fmt.Errorf("dumptsm: %s", err)
63 + }
64 + case "export":
65 + name := export.NewCommand()
66 + if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
67 + return fmt.Errorf("export: %s", err)
68 + }
69 + case "report":
70 + name := report.NewCommand()
71 + if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
72 + return fmt.Errorf("report: %s", err)
73 + }
74 + case "verify":
75 + name := verify.NewCommand()
76 + if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
77 + return fmt.Errorf("verify: %s", err)
78 + }
79 + default:
80 + return fmt.Errorf(`unknown command "%s"`+"\n"+`Run 'influx_inspect help' for usage`+"\n\n", name)
81 + }
82 +
83 + return nil
84 +}
1 +// Package report reports statistics about TSM files.
2 +package report
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "flag"
6 + "fmt"
7 + "io"
8 + "os"
9 + "path/filepath"
10 + "strconv"
11 + "strings"
12 + "text/tabwriter"
13 + "time"
14 +
15 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/models"
16 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
17 + "github.com/retailnext/hllpp"
18 +)
19 +
20 +// Command represents the program execution for "influxd report".
21 +type Command struct {
22 + Stderr io.Writer
23 + Stdout io.Writer
24 +
25 + dir string
26 + pattern string
27 + detailed bool
28 +}
29 +
30 +// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command.
31 +func NewCommand() *Command {
32 + return &Command{
33 + Stderr: os.Stderr,
34 + Stdout: os.Stdout,
35 + }
36 +}
37 +
38 +// Run executes the command.
39 +func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
40 + fs := flag.NewFlagSet("report", flag.ExitOnError)
41 + fs.StringVar(&cmd.pattern, "pattern", "", "Include only files matching a pattern")
42 + fs.BoolVar(&cmd.detailed, "detailed", false, "Report detailed cardinality estimates")
43 +
44 + fs.SetOutput(cmd.Stdout)
45 + fs.Usage = cmd.printUsage
46 +
47 + if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
48 + return err
49 + }
50 + cmd.dir = fs.Arg(0)
51 +
52 + start := time.Now()
53 +
54 + files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(cmd.dir, fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", tsm1.TSMFileExtension)))
55 + if err != nil {
56 + return err
57 + }
58 +
59 + var filtered []string
60 + if cmd.pattern != "" {
61 + for _, f := range files {
62 + if strings.Contains(f, cmd.pattern) {
63 + filtered = append(filtered, f)
64 + }
65 + }
66 + files = filtered
67 + }
68 +
69 + if len(files) == 0 {
70 + return fmt.Errorf("no tsm files at %v\n", cmd.dir)
71 + }
72 +
73 + tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(cmd.Stdout, 8, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
74 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join([]string{"File", "Series", "Load Time"}, "\t"))
75 +
76 + totalSeries := hllpp.New()
77 + tagCardialities := map[string]*hllpp.HLLPP{}
78 + measCardinalities := map[string]*hllpp.HLLPP{}
79 + fieldCardinalities := map[string]*hllpp.HLLPP{}
80 +
81 + for _, f := range files {
82 + file, err := os.OpenFile(f, os.O_RDONLY, 0600)
83 + if err != nil {
84 + fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr, "error: %s: %v. Skipping.\n", f, err)
85 + continue
86 + }
87 +
88 + loadStart := time.Now()
89 + reader, err := tsm1.NewTSMReader(file)
90 + if err != nil {
91 + fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr, "error: %s: %v. Skipping.\n", file.Name(), err)
92 + continue
93 + }
94 + loadTime := time.Since(loadStart)
95 +
96 + seriesCount := reader.KeyCount()
97 + for i := 0; i < seriesCount; i++ {
98 + key, _ := reader.KeyAt(i)
99 + totalSeries.Add([]byte(key))
100 +
101 + if cmd.detailed {
102 + sep := strings.Index(string(key), "#!~#")
103 + seriesKey, field := key[:sep], key[sep+4:]
104 + measurement, tags, _ := models.ParseKey(seriesKey)
105 +
106 + measCount, ok := measCardinalities[measurement]
107 + if !ok {
108 + measCount = hllpp.New()
109 + measCardinalities[measurement] = measCount
110 + }
111 + measCount.Add([]byte(key))
112 +
113 + fieldCount, ok := fieldCardinalities[measurement]
114 + if !ok {
115 + fieldCount = hllpp.New()
116 + fieldCardinalities[measurement] = fieldCount
117 + }
118 + fieldCount.Add([]byte(field))
119 +
120 + for _, t := range tags {
121 + tagCount, ok := tagCardialities[string(t.Key)]
122 + if !ok {
123 + tagCount = hllpp.New()
124 + tagCardialities[string(t.Key)] = tagCount
125 + }
126 + tagCount.Add(t.Value)
127 + }
128 + }
129 + }
130 + reader.Close()
131 +
132 + fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join([]string{
133 + filepath.Base(file.Name()),
134 + strconv.FormatInt(int64(seriesCount), 10),
135 + loadTime.String(),
136 + }, "\t"))
137 + tw.Flush()
138 + }
139 +
140 + tw.Flush()
141 + println()
142 + fmt.Printf("Statistics\n")
143 + fmt.Printf(" Series:\n")
144 + fmt.Printf(" Total (est): %d\n", totalSeries.Count())
145 + if cmd.detailed {
146 + fmt.Printf(" Measurements (est):\n")
147 + for t, card := range measCardinalities {
148 + fmt.Printf(" %v: %d (%d%%)\n", t, card.Count(), int((float64(card.Count())/float64(totalSeries.Count()))*100))
149 + }
150 +
151 + fmt.Printf(" Fields (est):\n")
152 + for t, card := range fieldCardinalities {
153 + fmt.Printf(" %v: %d\n", t, card.Count())
154 + }
155 +
156 + fmt.Printf(" Tags (est):\n")
157 + for t, card := range tagCardialities {
158 + fmt.Printf(" %v: %d\n", t, card.Count())
159 + }
160 + }
161 +
162 + fmt.Printf("Completed in %s\n", time.Since(start))
163 + return nil
164 +}
165 +
166 +// printUsage prints the usage message to STDERR.
167 +func (cmd *Command) printUsage() {
168 + usage := `Displays shard level report.
169 +
170 +Usage: influx_inspect report [flags]
171 +
172 + -pattern <pattern>
173 + Include only files matching a pattern.
174 + -detailed
175 + Report detailed cardinality estimates.
176 + Defaults to "false".
177 +`
178 +
179 + fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout, usage)
180 +}
1 +// Package verify verifies integrity of TSM files.
2 +package verify
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "flag"
6 + "fmt"
7 + "hash/crc32"
8 + "io"
9 + "os"
10 + "path/filepath"
11 + "text/tabwriter"
12 + "time"
13 +
14 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
15 +)
16 +
17 +// Command represents the program execution for "influx_inspect verify".
18 +type Command struct {
19 + Stderr io.Writer
20 + Stdout io.Writer
21 +}
22 +
23 +// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command.
24 +func NewCommand() *Command {
25 + return &Command{
26 + Stderr: os.Stderr,
27 + Stdout: os.Stdout,
28 + }
29 +}
30 +
31 +// Run executes the command.
32 +func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
33 + var path string
34 + fs := flag.NewFlagSet("verify", flag.ExitOnError)
35 + fs.StringVar(&path, "dir", os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.influxdb", "Root storage path. [$HOME/.influxdb]")
36 +
37 + fs.SetOutput(cmd.Stdout)
38 + fs.Usage = cmd.printUsage
39 +
40 + if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
41 + return err
42 + }
43 +
44 + start := time.Now()
45 + dataPath := filepath.Join(path, "data")
46 +
47 + brokenBlocks := 0
48 + totalBlocks := 0
49 +
50 + // No need to do this in a loop
51 + ext := fmt.Sprintf(".%s", tsm1.TSMFileExtension)
52 +
53 + // Get all TSM files by walking through the data dir
54 + files := []string{}
55 + err := filepath.Walk(dataPath, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
56 + if err != nil {
57 + return err
58 + }
59 + if filepath.Ext(path) == ext {
60 + files = append(files, path)
61 + }
62 + return nil
63 + })
64 + if err != nil {
65 + panic(err)
66 + }
67 +
68 + tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(cmd.Stdout, 16, 8, 0, '\t', 0)
69 +
70 + // Verify the checksums of every block in every file
71 + for _, f := range files {
72 + file, err := os.OpenFile(f, os.O_RDONLY, 0600)
73 + if err != nil {
74 + return err
75 + }
76 +
77 + reader, err := tsm1.NewTSMReader(file)
78 + if err != nil {
79 + return err
80 + }
81 +
82 + blockItr := reader.BlockIterator()
83 + brokenFileBlocks := 0
84 + count := 0
85 + for blockItr.Next() {
86 + totalBlocks++
87 + key, _, _, _, checksum, buf, err := blockItr.Read()
88 + if err != nil {
89 + brokenBlocks++
90 + fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s: could not get checksum for key %v block %d due to error: %q\n", f, key, count, err)
91 + } else if expected := crc32.ChecksumIEEE(buf); checksum != expected {
92 + brokenBlocks++
93 + fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s: got %d but expected %d for key %v, block %d\n", f, checksum, expected, key, count)
94 + }
95 + count++
96 + }
97 + if brokenFileBlocks == 0 {
98 + fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s: healthy\n", f)
99 + }
100 + reader.Close()
101 + }
102 +
103 + fmt.Fprintf(tw, "Broken Blocks: %d / %d, in %vs\n", brokenBlocks, totalBlocks, time.Since(start).Seconds())
104 + tw.Flush()
105 + return nil
106 +}
107 +
108 +// printUsage prints the usage message to STDERR.
109 +func (cmd *Command) printUsage() {
110 + usage := fmt.Sprintf(`Verifies the integrity of TSM files.
111 +
112 +Usage: influx_inspect verify [flags]
113 +
114 + -dir <path>
115 + Root storage path
116 + Defaults to "%[1]s/.influxdb".
117 + `, os.Getenv("HOME"))
118 +
119 + fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout, usage)
120 +}
1 +# `influx_stress`
2 +
3 +If you run into any issues with this tool please mention @jackzampolin when you create an issue.
4 +
5 +## Ways to run
6 +
7 +### `influx_stress`
8 +This runs a basic stress test with the [default config](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/stress.toml) For more information on the configuration file please see the default.
9 +
10 +### `influx_stress -config someConfig.toml`
11 +This runs the stress test with a valid configuration file located at `someConfig.tom`
12 +
13 +### `influx_stress -v2 -config someConfig.iql`
14 +This runs the stress test with a valid `v2` configuration file. For more information about the `v2` stress test see the [v2 stress README](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/v2/README.md).
15 +
16 +## Flags
17 +
18 +If flags are defined they overwrite the config from any file passed in.
19 +
20 +### `-addr` string
21 +IP address and port of database where response times will persist (e.g., localhost:8086)
22 +
23 +`default` = "http://localhost:8086"
24 +
25 +### `-config` string
26 +The relative path to the stress test configuration file.
27 +
28 +`default` = [config](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/stress.toml)
29 +
30 +### `-cpuprofile` filename
31 +Writes the result of Go's cpu profile to filename
32 +
33 +`default` = no profiling
34 +
35 +### `-database` string
36 +Name of database on `-addr` that `influx_stress` will persist write and query response times
37 +
38 +`default` = "stress"
39 +
40 +### `-tags` value
41 +A comma separated list of tags to add to write and query response times.
42 +
43 +`default` = ""
1 +# This section can be removed
2 +[provision]
3 + # The basic provisioner simply deletes and creates database.
4 + # If `reset_database` is false, it will not attempt to delete the database
5 + [provision.basic]
6 + # If enabled the provisioner will actually run
7 + enabled = true
8 + # Address of the instance that is to be provisioned
9 + address = "localhost:8086"
10 + # Database the will be created/deleted
11 + database = "stress"
12 + # Attempt to delete database
13 + reset_database = true
14 +
15 +# This section cannot be commented out
16 +# To prevent writes set `enabled=false`
17 +# in [write.influx_client.basic]
18 +[write]
19 + [write.point_generator]
20 + # The basic point generator will generate points of the form
21 + # `cpu,host=server-%v,location=us-west value=234 123456`
22 + [write.point_generator.basic]
23 + # number of points that will be written for each of the series
24 + point_count = 100
25 + # number of series
26 + series_count = 100000
27 + # How much time between each timestamp
28 + tick = "10s"
29 + # Randomize timestamp a bit (not functional)
30 + jitter = true
31 + # Precision of points that are being written
32 + precision = "s"
33 + # name of the measurement that will be written
34 + measurement = "cpu"
35 + # The date for the first point that is written into influx
36 + start_date = "2006-Jan-02"
37 + # Defines a tag for a series
38 + [[write.point_generator.basic.tag]]
39 + key = "host"
40 + value = "server"
41 + [[write.point_generator.basic.tag]]
42 + key = "location"
43 + value = "us-west"
44 + # Defines a field for a series
45 + [[write.point_generator.basic.field]]
46 + key = "value"
47 + value = "float64" # supported types: float64, int, bool
48 +
49 +
50 + [write.influx_client]
51 + [write.influx_client.basic]
52 + # If enabled the writer will actually write
53 + enabled = true
54 + # Addresses is an array of the Influxdb instances
55 + addresses = ["localhost:8086"] # stress_test_server runs on port 1234
56 + # Database that is being written to
57 + database = "stress"
58 + # Precision of points that are being written
59 + precision = "s"
60 + # Size of batches that are sent to db
61 + batch_size = 10000
62 + # Interval between each batch
63 + batch_interval = "0s"
64 + # How many concurrent writers to the db
65 + concurrency = 10
66 + # ssl enabled?
67 + ssl = false
68 + # format of points that are written to influxdb
69 + format = "line_http" # line_udp (not supported yet), graphite_tcp (not supported yet), graphite_udp (not supported yet)
70 +
71 +# This section can be removed
72 +[read]
73 + [read.query_generator]
74 + [read.query_generator.basic]
75 + # Template of the query that will be ran against the instance
76 + template = "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu where host='server-%v'"
77 + # How many times the templated query will be ran
78 + query_count = 250
79 +
80 + [read.query_client]
81 + [read.query_client.basic]
82 + # if enabled the reader will actually read
83 + enabled = true
84 + # Address of the instance that will be queried
85 + addresses = ["localhost:8086"]
86 + # Database that will be queried
87 + database = "stress"
88 + # Interval bewteen queries
89 + query_interval = "100ms"
90 + # Number of concurrent queriers
91 + concurrency = 1
92 +
1 +// Command influx_stress is deprecated; use github.com/influxdata/influx-stress instead.
2 +package main
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "flag"
6 + "fmt"
7 + "log"
8 + "os"
9 + "runtime/pprof"
10 +
11 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/stress"
12 + v2 "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/stress/v2"
13 +)
14 +
15 +var (
16 + useV2 = flag.Bool("v2", false, "Use version 2 of stress tool")
17 + config = flag.String("config", "", "The stress test file")
18 + cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "Write the cpu profile to `filename`")
19 + db = flag.String("db", "", "target database within test system for write and query load")
20 +)
21 +
22 +func main() {
23 + o := stress.NewOutputConfig()
24 + flag.Parse()
25 +
26 + if *cpuprofile != "" {
27 + f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
28 + if err != nil {
29 + fmt.Println(err)
30 + return
31 + }
32 + pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
33 + defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
34 + }
35 +
36 + if *useV2 {
37 + if *config != "" {
38 + v2.RunStress(*config)
39 + } else {
40 + v2.RunStress("stress/v2/iql/file.iql")
41 + }
42 + } else {
43 +
44 + c, err := stress.NewConfig(*config)
45 + if err != nil {
46 + log.Fatal(err)
47 + return
48 + }
49 +
50 + if *db != "" {
51 + c.Provision.Basic.Database = *db
52 + c.Write.InfluxClients.Basic.Database = *db
53 + c.Read.QueryClients.Basic.Database = *db
54 + }
55 +
56 + w := stress.NewWriter(c.Write.PointGenerators.Basic, &c.Write.InfluxClients.Basic)
57 + r := stress.NewQuerier(&c.Read.QueryGenerators.Basic, &c.Read.QueryClients.Basic)
58 + s := stress.NewStressTest(&c.Provision.Basic, w, r)
59 +
60 + bw := stress.NewBroadcastChannel()
61 + bw.Register(c.Write.InfluxClients.Basic.BasicWriteHandler)
62 + bw.Register(o.HTTPHandler("write"))
63 +
64 + br := stress.NewBroadcastChannel()
65 + br.Register(c.Read.QueryClients.Basic.BasicReadHandler)
66 + br.Register(o.HTTPHandler("read"))
67 +
68 + s.Start(bw.Handle, br.Handle)
69 +
70 + }
71 +}
1 +# Converting b1 and bz1 shards to tsm1
2 +
3 +`influx_tsm` is a tool for converting b1 and bz1 shards to tsm1
4 +format. Converting shards to tsm1 format results in a very significant
5 +reduction in disk usage, and significantly improved write-throughput,
6 +when writing data into those shards.
7 +
8 +Conversion can be controlled on a database-by-database basis. By
9 +default a database is backed up before it is converted, allowing you
10 +to roll back any changes. Because of the backup process, ensure the
11 +host system has at least as much free disk space as the disk space
12 +consumed by the _data_ directory of your InfluxDB system.
13 +
14 +The tool automatically ignores tsm1 shards, and can be run
15 +idempotently on any database.
16 +
17 +Conversion is an offline process, and the InfluxDB system must be
18 +stopped during conversion. However the conversion process reads and
19 +writes shards directly on disk and should be fast.
20 +
21 +## Steps
22 +
23 +Follow these steps to perform a conversion.
24 +
25 +* Identify the databases you wish to convert. You can convert one or more databases at a time. By default all databases are converted.
26 +* Decide on parallel operation. By default the conversion operation peforms each operation in a serial manner. This minimizes load on the host system performing the conversion, but also takes the most time. If you wish to minimize the time conversion takes, enable parallel mode. Conversion will then perform as many operations as possible in parallel, but the process may place significant load on the host system (CPU, disk, and RAM, usage will all increase).
27 +* Stop all write-traffic to your InfluxDB system.
28 +* Restart the InfluxDB service and wait until all WAL data is flushed to disk -- this has completed when the system responds to queries. This is to ensure all data is present in shards.
29 +* Stop the InfluxDB service. It should not be restarted until conversion is complete.
30 +* Run conversion tool. Depending on the size of the data directory, this might be a lengthy operation. Consider running the conversion tool under a "screen" session to avoid any interruptions.
31 +* Unless you ran the conversion tool as the same user as that which runs InfluxDB, then you may need to set the correct read-and-write permissions on the new tsm1 directories.
32 +* Restart node and ensure data looks correct.
33 +* If everything looks OK, you may then wish to remove or archive the backed-up databases.
34 +* Restart write traffic.
35 +
36 +## Example session
37 +
38 +Below is an example session, showing a database being converted.
39 +
40 +```
41 +$ # Create a backup location that the `influxdb` user has full access to
42 +$ mkdir -m 0777 /path/to/influxdb_backup
43 +$ sudo -u influxdb influx_tsm -backup /path/to/influxdb_backup -parallel /var/lib/influxdb/data
44 +
45 +b1 and bz1 shard conversion.
46 +-----------------------------------
47 +Data directory is: /var/lib/influxdb/data
48 +Backup directory is: /path/to/influxdb_backup
49 +Databases specified: all
50 +Database backups enabled: yes
51 +Parallel mode enabled (GOMAXPROCS): yes (8)
52 +
53 +
54 +Found 1 shards that will be converted.
55 +
56 +Database Retention Path Engine Size
57 +_internal monitor /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1 bz1 65536
58 +
59 +These shards will be converted. Proceed? y/N: y
60 +Conversion starting....
61 +Backing up 1 databases...
62 +2016/01/28 12:23:43.699266 Backup of databse '_internal' started
63 +2016/01/28 12:23:43.699883 Backing up file /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1
64 +2016/01/28 12:23:43.700052 Database _internal backed up (851.776µs)
65 +2016/01/28 12:23:43.700320 Starting conversion of shard: /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1
66 +2016/01/28 12:23:43.706276 Conversion of /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1 successful (6.040148ms)
67 +
68 +Summary statistics
69 +========================================
70 +Databases converted: 1
71 +Shards converted: 1
72 +TSM files created: 1
73 +Points read: 369
74 +Points written: 369
75 +NaN filtered: 0
76 +Inf filtered: 0
77 +Points without fields filtered: 0
78 +Disk usage pre-conversion (bytes): 65536
79 +Disk usage post-conversion (bytes): 11000
80 +Reduction factor: 83%
81 +Bytes per TSM point: 29.81
82 +Total conversion time: 7.330443ms
83 +
84 +$ # restart node, verify data
85 +$ sudo rm -r /path/to/influxdb_backup
86 +```
87 +
88 +Note that the tool first lists the shards that will be converted,
89 +before asking for confirmation. You can abort the conversion process
90 +at this step if you just wish to see what would be converted, or if
91 +the list of shards does not look correct.
92 +
93 +__WARNING:__ If you run the `influx_tsm` tool as a user other than the
94 +`influxdb` user (or the user that the InfluxDB process runs under),
95 +please make sure to verify the shard permissions are correct prior to
96 +starting InfluxDB. If needed, shard permissions can be corrected with
97 +the `chown` command. For example:
98 +
99 +```
100 +sudo chown -R influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb
101 +```
102 +
103 +## Rolling back a conversion
104 +
105 +After a successful backup (the message `Database XYZ backed up` was
106 +logged), you have a duplicate of that database in the _backup_
107 +directory you provided on the command line. If, when checking your
108 +data after a successful conversion, you notice things missing or
109 +something just isn't right, you can "undo" the conversion:
110 +
111 +- Shut down your node (this is very important)
112 +- Remove the database's directory from the influxdb `data` directory (default: `~/.influxdb/data/XYZ` for binary installations or `/var/lib/influxdb/data/XYZ` for packaged installations)
113 +- Copy (to really make sure the shard is preserved) the database's directory from the backup directory you created into the `data` directory.
114 +
115 +Using the same directories as above, and assuming a database named `stats`:
116 +
117 +```
118 +$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/influxdb/data/stats
119 +$ sudo cp -r /path/to/influxdb_backup/stats /var/lib/influxdb/data/
120 +$ # restart influxd node
121 +```
122 +
123 +#### How to avoid downtime when upgrading shards
124 +
125 +*Identify non-`tsm1` shards*
126 +
127 +Non-`tsm1` shards are files of the form: `data/<database>/<retention_policy>/<shard_id>`.
128 +
129 +`tsm1` shards are files of the form: `data/<database>/<retention_policy>/<shard_id>/<file>.tsm`.
130 +
131 +*Determine which `bz`/`bz1` shards are cold for writes*
132 +
133 +Run the `SHOW SHARDS` query to see the start and end dates for shards.
134 +If the date range for a shard does not span the current time then the shard is said to be cold for writes.
135 +This means that no new points are expected to be added to the shard.
136 +The shard whose date range spans now is said to be hot for writes.
137 +You can only safely convert cold shards without stopping the InfluxDB process.
138 +
139 +*Convert cold shards*
140 +
141 +1. Copy each of the cold shards you'd like to convert to a new directory with the structure `/tmp/data/<database>/<retention_policy>/<shard_id>`.
142 +2. Run the `influx_tsm` tool on the copied files:
143 +```
144 +influx_tsm -parallel /tmp/data/
145 +```
146 +3. Remove the existing cold `b1`/`bz1` shards from the production data directory.
147 +4. Move the new `tsm1` shards into the original directory, overwriting the existing `b1`/`bz1` shards of the same name. Do this simultaneously with step 3 to avoid any query errors.
148 +5. Wait an hour, a day, or a week (depending on your retention period) for any hot `b1`/`bz1` shards to become cold and repeat steps 1 through 4 on the newly cold shards.
149 +
150 +> **Note:** Any points written to the cold shards after making a copy will be lost when the `tsm1` shard overwrites the existing cold shard.
151 +Nothing in InfluxDB will prevent writes to cold shards, they are merely unexpected, not impossible.
152 +It is your responsibility to prevent writes to cold shards to prevent data loss.
1 +// Package b1 reads data from b1 shards.
2 +package b1 // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/b1"
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "encoding/binary"
6 + "math"
7 + "sort"
8 + "time"
9 +
10 + "github.com/boltdb/bolt"
11 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/stats"
12 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/tsdb"
13 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
14 +)
15 +
16 +// DefaultChunkSize is the size of chunks read from the b1 shard
17 +const DefaultChunkSize int = 1000
18 +
19 +var excludedBuckets = map[string]bool{
20 + "fields": true,
21 + "meta": true,
22 + "series": true,
23 + "wal": true,
24 +}
25 +
26 +// Reader is used to read all data from a b1 shard.
27 +type Reader struct {
28 + path string
29 + db *bolt.DB
30 + tx *bolt.Tx
31 +
32 + cursors []*cursor
33 + currCursor int
34 +
35 + keyBuf string
36 + values []tsm1.Value
37 + valuePos int
38 +
39 + fields map[string]*tsdb.MeasurementFields
40 + codecs map[string]*tsdb.FieldCodec
41 +
42 + stats *stats.Stats
43 +}
44 +
45 +// NewReader returns a reader for the b1 shard at path.
46 +func NewReader(path string, stats *stats.Stats, chunkSize int) *Reader {
47 + r := &Reader{
48 + path: path,
49 + fields: make(map[string]*tsdb.MeasurementFields),
50 + codecs: make(map[string]*tsdb.FieldCodec),
51 + stats: stats,
52 + }
53 +
54 + if chunkSize <= 0 {
55 + chunkSize = DefaultChunkSize
56 + }
57 +
58 + r.values = make([]tsm1.Value, chunkSize)
59 +
60 + return r
61 +}
62 +
63 +// Open opens the reader.
64 +func (r *Reader) Open() error {
65 + // Open underlying storage.
66 + db, err := bolt.Open(r.path, 0666, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 1 * time.Second})
67 + if err != nil {
68 + return err
69 + }
70 + r.db = db
71 +
72 + // Load fields.
73 + if err := r.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
74 + meta := tx.Bucket([]byte("fields"))
75 + c := meta.Cursor()
76 +
77 + for k, v := c.First(); k != nil; k, v = c.Next() {
78 + mf := &tsdb.MeasurementFields{}
79 + if err := mf.UnmarshalBinary(v); err != nil {
80 + return err
81 + }
82 + r.fields[string(k)] = mf
83 + r.codecs[string(k)] = tsdb.NewFieldCodec(mf.Fields)
84 + }
85 + return nil
86 + }); err != nil {
87 + return err
88 + }
89 +
90 + seriesSet := make(map[string]bool)
91 +
92 + // ignore series index and find all series in this shard
93 + if err := r.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
94 + tx.ForEach(func(name []byte, _ *bolt.Bucket) error {
95 + key := string(name)
96 + if !excludedBuckets[key] {
97 + seriesSet[key] = true
98 + }
99 + return nil
100 + })
101 + return nil
102 + }); err != nil {
103 + return err
104 + }
105 +
106 + r.tx, err = r.db.Begin(false)
107 + if err != nil {
108 + return err
109 + }
110 +
111 + // Create cursor for each field of each series.
112 + for s := range seriesSet {
113 + measurement := tsdb.MeasurementFromSeriesKey(s)
114 + fields := r.fields[measurement]
115 + if fields == nil {
116 + r.stats.IncrFiltered()
117 + continue
118 + }
119 + for _, f := range fields.Fields {
120 + c := newCursor(r.tx, s, f.Name, r.codecs[measurement])
121 + c.SeekTo(0)
122 + r.cursors = append(r.cursors, c)
123 + }
124 + }
125 + sort.Sort(cursors(r.cursors))
126 +
127 + return nil
128 +}
129 +
130 +// Next returns whether any data remains to be read. It must be called before
131 +// the next call to Read().
132 +func (r *Reader) Next() bool {
133 + r.valuePos = 0
134 +OUTER:
135 + for {
136 + if r.currCursor >= len(r.cursors) {
137 + // All cursors drained. No more data remains.
138 + return false
139 + }
140 +
141 + cc := r.cursors[r.currCursor]
142 + r.keyBuf = tsm1.SeriesFieldKey(cc.series, cc.field)
143 +
144 + for {
145 + k, v := cc.Next()
146 + if k == -1 {
147 + // Go to next cursor and try again.
148 + r.currCursor++
149 + if r.valuePos == 0 {
150 + // The previous cursor had no data. Instead of returning
151 + // just go immediately to the next cursor.
152 + continue OUTER
153 + }
154 + // There is some data available. Indicate that it should be read.
155 + return true
156 + }
157 +
158 + if f, ok := v.(float64); ok {
159 + if math.IsInf(f, 0) {
160 + r.stats.AddPointsRead(1)
161 + r.stats.IncrInf()
162 + continue
163 + }
164 +
165 + if math.IsNaN(f) {
166 + r.stats.AddPointsRead(1)
167 + r.stats.IncrNaN()
168 + continue
169 + }
170 + }
171 +
172 + r.values[r.valuePos] = tsm1.NewValue(k, v)
173 + r.valuePos++
174 +
175 + if r.valuePos >= len(r.values) {
176 + return true
177 + }
178 + }
179 + }
180 +}
181 +
182 +// Read returns the next chunk of data in the shard, converted to tsm1 values. Data is
183 +// emitted completely for every field, in every series, before the next field is processed.
184 +// Data from Read() adheres to the requirements for writing to tsm1 shards
185 +func (r *Reader) Read() (string, []tsm1.Value, error) {
186 + return r.keyBuf, r.values[:r.valuePos], nil
187 +}
188 +
189 +// Close closes the reader.
190 +func (r *Reader) Close() error {
191 + r.tx.Rollback()
192 + return r.db.Close()
193 +}
194 +
195 +// cursor provides ordered iteration across a series.
196 +type cursor struct {
197 + // Bolt cursor and readahead buffer.
198 + cursor *bolt.Cursor
199 + keyBuf int64
200 + valBuf interface{}
201 +
202 + series string
203 + field string
204 + dec *tsdb.FieldCodec
205 +}
206 +
207 +// Cursor returns an iterator for a key over a single field.
208 +func newCursor(tx *bolt.Tx, series string, field string, dec *tsdb.FieldCodec) *cursor {
209 + cur := &cursor{
210 + keyBuf: -2,
211 + series: series,
212 + field: field,
213 + dec: dec,
214 + }
215 +
216 + // Retrieve series bucket.
217 + b := tx.Bucket([]byte(series))
218 + if b != nil {
219 + cur.cursor = b.Cursor()
220 + }
221 +
222 + return cur
223 +}
224 +
225 +// Seek moves the cursor to a position.
226 +func (c *cursor) SeekTo(seek int64) {
227 + var seekBytes [8]byte
228 + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seekBytes[:], uint64(seek))
229 + k, v := c.cursor.Seek(seekBytes[:])
230 + c.keyBuf, c.valBuf = tsdb.DecodeKeyValue(c.field, c.dec, k, v)
231 +}
232 +
233 +// Next returns the next key/value pair from the cursor.
234 +func (c *cursor) Next() (key int64, value interface{}) {
235 + for {
236 + k, v := func() (int64, interface{}) {
237 + if c.keyBuf != -2 {
238 + k, v := c.keyBuf, c.valBuf
239 + c.keyBuf = -2
240 + return k, v
241 + }
242 +
243 + k, v := c.cursor.Next()
244 + if k == nil {
245 + return -1, nil
246 + }
247 + return tsdb.DecodeKeyValue(c.field, c.dec, k, v)
248 + }()
249 +
250 + if k != -1 && v == nil {
251 + // There is a point in the series at the next timestamp,
252 + // but not for this cursor's field. Go to the next point.
253 + continue
254 + }
255 + return k, v
256 + }
257 +}
258 +
259 +// Sort b1 cursors in correct order for writing to TSM files.
260 +
261 +type cursors []*cursor
262 +
263 +func (a cursors) Len() int { return len(a) }
264 +func (a cursors) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
265 +func (a cursors) Less(i, j int) bool {
266 + if a[i].series == a[j].series {
267 + return a[i].field < a[j].field
268 + }
269 + return a[i].series < a[j].series
270 +}
1 +// Package bz1 reads data from bz1 shards.
2 +package bz1 // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/bz1"
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "bytes"
6 + "encoding/binary"
7 + "encoding/json"
8 + "fmt"
9 + "math"
10 + "sort"
11 + "time"
12 +
13 + "github.com/boltdb/bolt"
14 + "github.com/golang/snappy"
15 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/stats"
16 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/tsdb"
17 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
18 +)
19 +
20 +// DefaultChunkSize is the size of chunks read from the bz1 shard
21 +const DefaultChunkSize = 1000
22 +
23 +// Reader is used to read all data from a bz1 shard.
24 +type Reader struct {
25 + path string
26 + db *bolt.DB
27 + tx *bolt.Tx
28 +
29 + cursors []*cursor
30 + currCursor int
31 +
32 + keyBuf string
33 + values []tsm1.Value
34 + valuePos int
35 +
36 + fields map[string]*tsdb.MeasurementFields
37 + codecs map[string]*tsdb.FieldCodec
38 +
39 + stats *stats.Stats
40 +}
41 +
42 +// NewReader returns a reader for the bz1 shard at path.
43 +func NewReader(path string, stats *stats.Stats, chunkSize int) *Reader {
44 + r := &Reader{
45 + path: path,
46 + fields: make(map[string]*tsdb.MeasurementFields),
47 + codecs: make(map[string]*tsdb.FieldCodec),
48 + stats: stats,
49 + }
50 +
51 + if chunkSize <= 0 {
52 + chunkSize = DefaultChunkSize
53 + }
54 +
55 + r.values = make([]tsm1.Value, chunkSize)
56 +
57 + return r
58 +}
59 +
60 +// Open opens the reader.
61 +func (r *Reader) Open() error {
62 + // Open underlying storage.
63 + db, err := bolt.Open(r.path, 0666, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 1 * time.Second})
64 + if err != nil {
65 + return err
66 + }
67 + r.db = db
68 +
69 + seriesSet := make(map[string]bool)
70 +
71 + if err := r.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
72 + var data []byte
73 +
74 + meta := tx.Bucket([]byte("meta"))
75 + if meta == nil {
76 + // No data in this shard.
77 + return nil
78 + }
79 +
80 + pointsBucket := tx.Bucket([]byte("points"))
81 + if pointsBucket == nil {
82 + return nil
83 + }
84 +
85 + if err := pointsBucket.ForEach(func(key, _ []byte) error {
86 + seriesSet[string(key)] = true
87 + return nil
88 + }); err != nil {
89 + return err
90 + }
91 +
92 + buf := meta.Get([]byte("fields"))
93 + if buf == nil {
94 + // No data in this shard.
95 + return nil
96 + }
97 +
98 + data, err = snappy.Decode(nil, buf)
99 + if err != nil {
100 + return err
101 + }
102 + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r.fields); err != nil {
103 + return err
104 + }
105 + return nil
106 + }); err != nil {
107 + return err
108 + }
109 +
110 + // Build the codec for each measurement.
111 + for k, v := range r.fields {
112 + r.codecs[k] = tsdb.NewFieldCodec(v.Fields)
113 + }
114 +
115 + r.tx, err = r.db.Begin(false)
116 + if err != nil {
117 + return err
118 + }
119 +
120 + // Create cursor for each field of each series.
121 + for s := range seriesSet {
122 + measurement := tsdb.MeasurementFromSeriesKey(s)
123 + fields := r.fields[measurement]
124 + if fields == nil {
125 + r.stats.IncrFiltered()
126 + continue
127 + }
128 + for _, f := range fields.Fields {
129 + c := newCursor(r.tx, s, f.Name, r.codecs[measurement])
130 + if c == nil {
131 + continue
132 + }
133 + c.SeekTo(0)
134 + r.cursors = append(r.cursors, c)
135 + }
136 + }
137 + sort.Sort(cursors(r.cursors))
138 +
139 + return nil
140 +}
141 +
142 +// Next returns whether there is any more data to be read.
143 +func (r *Reader) Next() bool {
144 + r.valuePos = 0
145 +OUTER:
146 + for {
147 + if r.currCursor >= len(r.cursors) {
148 + // All cursors drained. No more data remains.
149 + return false
150 + }
151 +
152 + cc := r.cursors[r.currCursor]
153 + r.keyBuf = tsm1.SeriesFieldKey(cc.series, cc.field)
154 +
155 + for {
156 + k, v := cc.Next()
157 + if k == -1 {
158 + // Go to next cursor and try again.
159 + r.currCursor++
160 + if r.valuePos == 0 {
161 + // The previous cursor had no data. Instead of returning
162 + // just go immediately to the next cursor.
163 + continue OUTER
164 + }
165 + // There is some data available. Indicate that it should be read.
166 + return true
167 + }
168 +
169 + if f, ok := v.(float64); ok {
170 + if math.IsInf(f, 0) {
171 + r.stats.AddPointsRead(1)
172 + r.stats.IncrInf()
173 + continue
174 + }
175 +
176 + if math.IsNaN(f) {
177 + r.stats.AddPointsRead(1)
178 + r.stats.IncrNaN()
179 + continue
180 + }
181 + }
182 +
183 + r.values[r.valuePos] = tsm1.NewValue(k, v)
184 + r.valuePos++
185 +
186 + if r.valuePos >= len(r.values) {
187 + return true
188 + }
189 + }
190 + }
191 +}
192 +
193 +// Read returns the next chunk of data in the shard, converted to tsm1 values. Data is
194 +// emitted completely for every field, in every series, before the next field is processed.
195 +// Data from Read() adheres to the requirements for writing to tsm1 shards
196 +func (r *Reader) Read() (string, []tsm1.Value, error) {
197 + return r.keyBuf, r.values[:r.valuePos], nil
198 +}
199 +
200 +// Close closes the reader.
201 +func (r *Reader) Close() error {
202 + r.tx.Rollback()
203 + return r.db.Close()
204 +}
205 +
206 +// cursor provides ordered iteration across a series.
207 +type cursor struct {
208 + cursor *bolt.Cursor
209 + buf []byte // uncompressed buffer
210 + off int // buffer offset
211 + fieldIndices []int
212 + index int
213 +
214 + series string
215 + field string
216 + dec *tsdb.FieldCodec
217 +
218 + keyBuf int64
219 + valBuf interface{}
220 +}
221 +
222 +// newCursor returns an instance of a bz1 cursor.
223 +func newCursor(tx *bolt.Tx, series string, field string, dec *tsdb.FieldCodec) *cursor {
224 + // Retrieve points bucket. Ignore if there is no bucket.
225 + b := tx.Bucket([]byte("points")).Bucket([]byte(series))
226 + if b == nil {
227 + return nil
228 + }
229 +
230 + return &cursor{
231 + cursor: b.Cursor(),
232 + series: series,
233 + field: field,
234 + dec: dec,
235 + keyBuf: -2,
236 + }
237 +}
238 +
239 +// Seek moves the cursor to a position.
240 +func (c *cursor) SeekTo(seek int64) {
241 + var seekBytes [8]byte
242 + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seekBytes[:], uint64(seek))
243 +
244 + // Move cursor to appropriate block and set to buffer.
245 + k, v := c.cursor.Seek(seekBytes[:])
246 + if v == nil { // get the last block, it might have this time
247 + _, v = c.cursor.Last()
248 + } else if seek < int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)) { // the seek key is less than this block, go back one and check
249 + _, v = c.cursor.Prev()
250 +
251 + // if the previous block max time is less than the seek value, reset to where we were originally
252 + if v == nil || seek > int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v[0:8])) {
253 + _, v = c.cursor.Seek(seekBytes[:])
254 + }
255 + }
256 + c.setBuf(v)
257 +
258 + // Read current block up to seek position.
259 + c.seekBuf(seekBytes[:])
260 +
261 + // Return current entry.
262 + c.keyBuf, c.valBuf = c.read()
263 +}
264 +
265 +// seekBuf moves the cursor to a position within the current buffer.
266 +func (c *cursor) seekBuf(seek []byte) (key, value []byte) {
267 + for {
268 + // Slice off the current entry.
269 + buf := c.buf[c.off:]
270 +
271 + // Exit if current entry's timestamp is on or after the seek.
272 + if len(buf) == 0 {
273 + return
274 + }
275 +
276 + if bytes.Compare(buf[0:8], seek) != -1 {
277 + return
278 + }
279 +
280 + c.off += entryHeaderSize + entryDataSize(buf)
281 + }
282 +}
283 +
284 +// Next returns the next key/value pair from the cursor. If there are no values
285 +// remaining, -1 is returned.
286 +func (c *cursor) Next() (int64, interface{}) {
287 + for {
288 + k, v := func() (int64, interface{}) {
289 + if c.keyBuf != -2 {
290 + k, v := c.keyBuf, c.valBuf
291 + c.keyBuf = -2
292 + return k, v
293 + }
294 +
295 + // Ignore if there is no buffer.
296 + if len(c.buf) == 0 {
297 + return -1, nil
298 + }
299 +
300 + // Move forward to next entry.
301 + c.off += entryHeaderSize + entryDataSize(c.buf[c.off:])
302 +
303 + // If no items left then read first item from next block.
304 + if c.off >= len(c.buf) {
305 + _, v := c.cursor.Next()
306 + c.setBuf(v)
307 + }
308 +
309 + return c.read()
310 + }()
311 +
312 + if k != -1 && v == nil {
313 + // There is a point in the series at the next timestamp,
314 + // but not for this cursor's field. Go to the next point.
315 + continue
316 + }
317 + return k, v
318 + }
319 +}
320 +
321 +// setBuf saves a compressed block to the buffer.
322 +func (c *cursor) setBuf(block []byte) {
323 + // Clear if the block is empty.
324 + if len(block) == 0 {
325 + c.buf, c.off, c.fieldIndices, c.index = c.buf[0:0], 0, c.fieldIndices[0:0], 0
326 + return
327 + }
328 +
329 + // Otherwise decode block into buffer.
330 + // Skip over the first 8 bytes since they are the max timestamp.
331 + buf, err := snappy.Decode(nil, block[8:])
332 + if err != nil {
333 + c.buf = c.buf[0:0]
334 + fmt.Printf("block decode error: %s\n", err)
335 + }
336 +
337 + c.buf, c.off = buf, 0
338 +}
339 +
340 +// read reads the current key and value from the current block.
341 +func (c *cursor) read() (key int64, value interface{}) {
342 + // Return nil if the offset is at the end of the buffer.
343 + if c.off >= len(c.buf) {
344 + return -1, nil
345 + }
346 +
347 + // Otherwise read the current entry.
348 + buf := c.buf[c.off:]
349 + dataSize := entryDataSize(buf)
350 +
351 + return tsdb.DecodeKeyValue(c.field, c.dec, buf[0:8], buf[entryHeaderSize:entryHeaderSize+dataSize])
352 +}
353 +
354 +// Sort bz1 cursors in correct order for writing to TSM files.
355 +
356 +type cursors []*cursor
357 +
358 +func (a cursors) Len() int { return len(a) }
359 +func (a cursors) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
360 +func (a cursors) Less(i, j int) bool {
361 + if a[i].series == a[j].series {
362 + return a[i].field < a[j].field
363 + }
364 + return a[i].series < a[j].series
365 +}
366 +
367 +// entryHeaderSize is the number of bytes required for the header.
368 +const entryHeaderSize = 8 + 4
369 +
370 +// entryDataSize returns the size of an entry's data field, in bytes.
371 +func entryDataSize(v []byte) int { return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(v[8:12])) }
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "os"
6 + "path/filepath"
7 +
8 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/stats"
9 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/tsdb/engine/tsm1"
10 +)
11 +
12 +const (
13 + maxBlocksPerKey = 65535
14 +)
15 +
16 +// KeyIterator is used to iterate over b* keys for conversion to tsm keys
17 +type KeyIterator interface {
18 + Next() bool
19 + Read() (string, []tsm1.Value, error)
20 +}
21 +
22 +// Converter encapsulates the logic for converting b*1 shards to tsm1 shards.
23 +type Converter struct {
24 + path string
25 + maxTSMFileSize uint32
26 + sequence int
27 + stats *stats.Stats
28 +}
29 +
30 +// NewConverter returns a new instance of the Converter.
31 +func NewConverter(path string, sz uint32, stats *stats.Stats) *Converter {
32 + return &Converter{
33 + path: path,
34 + maxTSMFileSize: sz,
35 + stats: stats,
36 + }
37 +}
38 +
39 +// Process writes the data provided by iter to a tsm1 shard.
40 +func (c *Converter) Process(iter KeyIterator) error {
41 + // Ensure the tsm1 directory exists.
42 + if err := os.MkdirAll(c.path, 0777); err != nil {
43 + return err
44 + }
45 +
46 + // Iterate until no more data remains.
47 + var w tsm1.TSMWriter
48 + var keyCount map[string]int
49 +
50 + for iter.Next() {
51 + k, v, err := iter.Read()
52 + if err != nil {
53 + return err
54 + }
55 +
56 + if w == nil {
57 + w, err = c.nextTSMWriter()
58 + if err != nil {
59 + return err
60 + }
61 + keyCount = map[string]int{}
62 + }
63 + if err := w.Write(k, v); err != nil {
64 + return err
65 + }
66 + keyCount[k]++
67 +
68 + c.stats.AddPointsRead(len(v))
69 + c.stats.AddPointsWritten(len(v))
70 +
71 + // If we have a max file size configured and we're over it, start a new TSM file.
72 + if w.Size() > c.maxTSMFileSize || keyCount[k] == maxBlocksPerKey {
73 + if err := w.WriteIndex(); err != nil && err != tsm1.ErrNoValues {
74 + return err
75 + }
76 +
77 + c.stats.AddTSMBytes(w.Size())
78 +
79 + if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
80 + return err
81 + }
82 + w = nil
83 + }
84 + }
85 +
86 + if w != nil {
87 + if err := w.WriteIndex(); err != nil && err != tsm1.ErrNoValues {
88 + return err
89 + }
90 + c.stats.AddTSMBytes(w.Size())
91 +
92 + if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
93 + return err
94 + }
95 + }
96 +
97 + return nil
98 +}
99 +
100 +// nextTSMWriter returns the next TSMWriter for the Converter.
101 +func (c *Converter) nextTSMWriter() (tsm1.TSMWriter, error) {
102 + c.sequence++
103 + fileName := filepath.Join(c.path, fmt.Sprintf("%09d-%09d.%s", 1, c.sequence, tsm1.TSMFileExtension))
104 +
105 + fd, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
106 + if err != nil {
107 + return nil, err
108 + }
109 +
110 + // Create the writer for the new TSM file.
111 + w, err := tsm1.NewTSMWriter(fd)
112 + if err != nil {
113 + return nil, err
114 + }
115 +
116 + c.stats.IncrTSMFileCount()
117 + return w, nil
118 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +// Package stats contains statistics for converting non-TSM shards to TSM.
2 +package stats
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "sync/atomic"
6 + "time"
7 +)
8 +
9 +// Stats are the statistics captured while converting non-TSM shards to TSM
10 +type Stats struct {
11 + NanFiltered uint64
12 + InfFiltered uint64
13 + FieldsFiltered uint64
14 + PointsWritten uint64
15 + PointsRead uint64
16 + TsmFilesCreated uint64
17 + TsmBytesWritten uint64
18 + CompletedShards uint64
19 + TotalTime time.Duration
20 +}
21 +
22 +// AddPointsRead increments the number of read points.
23 +func (s *Stats) AddPointsRead(n int) {
24 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.PointsRead, uint64(n))
25 +}
26 +
27 +// AddPointsWritten increments the number of written points.
28 +func (s *Stats) AddPointsWritten(n int) {
29 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.PointsWritten, uint64(n))
30 +}
31 +
32 +// AddTSMBytes increments the number of TSM Bytes.
33 +func (s *Stats) AddTSMBytes(n uint32) {
34 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.TsmBytesWritten, uint64(n))
35 +}
36 +
37 +// IncrTSMFileCount increments the number of TSM files created.
38 +func (s *Stats) IncrTSMFileCount() {
39 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.TsmFilesCreated, 1)
40 +}
41 +
42 +// IncrNaN increments the number of NaNs filtered.
43 +func (s *Stats) IncrNaN() {
44 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.NanFiltered, 1)
45 +}
46 +
47 +// IncrInf increments the number of Infs filtered.
48 +func (s *Stats) IncrInf() {
49 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.InfFiltered, 1)
50 +}
51 +
52 +// IncrFiltered increments the number of fields filtered.
53 +func (s *Stats) IncrFiltered() {
54 + atomic.AddUint64(&s.FieldsFiltered, 1)
55 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "log"
6 + "runtime"
7 + "sync"
8 + "sync/atomic"
9 + "time"
10 +
11 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/stats"
12 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/tsdb"
13 +)
14 +
15 +// tracker will orchestrate and track the conversions of non-TSM shards to TSM
16 +type tracker struct {
17 + Stats stats.Stats
18 +
19 + shards tsdb.ShardInfos
20 + opts options
21 +
22 + pg ParallelGroup
23 + wg sync.WaitGroup
24 +}
25 +
26 +// newTracker will setup and return a clean tracker instance
27 +func newTracker(shards tsdb.ShardInfos, opts options) *tracker {
28 + t := &tracker{
29 + shards: shards,
30 + opts: opts,
31 + pg: NewParallelGroup(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)),
32 + }
33 +
34 + return t
35 +}
36 +
37 +func (t *tracker) Run() error {
38 + conversionStart := time.Now()
39 +
40 + // Backup each directory.
41 + if !opts.SkipBackup {
42 + databases := t.shards.Databases()
43 + fmt.Printf("Backing up %d databases...\n", len(databases))
44 + t.wg.Add(len(databases))
45 + for i := range databases {
46 + db := databases[i]
47 + go t.pg.Do(func() {
48 + defer t.wg.Done()
49 +
50 + start := time.Now()
51 + log.Printf("Backup of database '%v' started", db)
52 + err := backupDatabase(db)
53 + if err != nil {
54 + log.Fatalf("Backup of database %v failed: %v\n", db, err)
55 + }
56 + log.Printf("Database %v backed up (%v)\n", db, time.Since(start))
57 + })
58 + }
59 + t.wg.Wait()
60 + } else {
61 + fmt.Println("Database backup disabled.")
62 + }
63 +
64 + t.wg.Add(len(t.shards))
65 + for i := range t.shards {
66 + si := t.shards[i]
67 + go t.pg.Do(func() {
68 + defer func() {
69 + atomic.AddUint64(&t.Stats.CompletedShards, 1)
70 + t.wg.Done()
71 + }()
72 +
73 + start := time.Now()
74 + log.Printf("Starting conversion of shard: %v", si.FullPath(opts.DataPath))
75 + if err := convertShard(si, t); err != nil {
76 + log.Fatalf("Failed to convert %v: %v\n", si.FullPath(opts.DataPath), err)
77 + }
78 + log.Printf("Conversion of %v successful (%v)\n", si.FullPath(opts.DataPath), time.Since(start))
79 + })
80 + }
81 +
82 + done := make(chan struct{})
83 + go func() {
84 + t.wg.Wait()
85 + close(done)
86 + }()
87 +
89 + for {
90 + select {
91 + case <-done:
92 + break WAIT_LOOP
93 + case <-time.After(opts.UpdateInterval):
94 + t.StatusUpdate()
95 + }
96 + }
97 +
98 + t.Stats.TotalTime = time.Since(conversionStart)
99 +
100 + return nil
101 +}
102 +
103 +func (t *tracker) StatusUpdate() {
104 + shardCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.Stats.CompletedShards)
105 + pointCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.Stats.PointsRead)
106 + pointWritten := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.Stats.PointsWritten)
107 +
108 + log.Printf("Still Working: Completed Shards: %d/%d Points read/written: %d/%d", shardCount, len(t.shards), pointCount, pointWritten)
109 +}
110 +
111 +func (t *tracker) PrintStats() {
112 + preSize := t.shards.Size()
113 + postSize := int64(t.Stats.TsmBytesWritten)
114 +
115 + fmt.Printf("\nSummary statistics\n========================================\n")
116 + fmt.Printf("Databases converted: %d\n", len(t.shards.Databases()))
117 + fmt.Printf("Shards converted: %d\n", len(t.shards))
118 + fmt.Printf("TSM files created: %d\n", t.Stats.TsmFilesCreated)
119 + fmt.Printf("Points read: %d\n", t.Stats.PointsRead)
120 + fmt.Printf("Points written: %d\n", t.Stats.PointsWritten)
121 + fmt.Printf("NaN filtered: %d\n", t.Stats.NanFiltered)
122 + fmt.Printf("Inf filtered: %d\n", t.Stats.InfFiltered)
123 + fmt.Printf("Points without fields filtered: %d\n", t.Stats.FieldsFiltered)
124 + fmt.Printf("Disk usage pre-conversion (bytes): %d\n", preSize)
125 + fmt.Printf("Disk usage post-conversion (bytes): %d\n", postSize)
126 + fmt.Printf("Reduction factor: %d%%\n", 100*(preSize-postSize)/preSize)
127 + fmt.Printf("Bytes per TSM point: %.2f\n", float64(postSize)/float64(t.Stats.PointsWritten))
128 + fmt.Printf("Total conversion time: %v\n", t.Stats.TotalTime)
129 + fmt.Println()
130 +}
1 +package tsdb
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "encoding/binary"
5 + "errors"
6 + "fmt"
7 + "math"
8 +)
9 +
10 +const (
11 + fieldFloat = 1
12 + fieldInteger = 2
13 + fieldBoolean = 3
14 + fieldString = 4
15 +)
16 +
17 +var (
18 + // ErrFieldNotFound is returned when a field cannot be found.
19 + ErrFieldNotFound = errors.New("field not found")
20 +
21 + // ErrFieldUnmappedID is returned when the system is presented, during decode, with a field ID
22 + // there is no mapping for.
23 + ErrFieldUnmappedID = errors.New("field ID not mapped")
24 +)
25 +
26 +// FieldCodec provides encoding and decoding functionality for the fields of a given
27 +// Measurement.
28 +type FieldCodec struct {
29 + fieldsByID map[uint8]*Field
30 + fieldsByName map[string]*Field
31 +}
32 +
33 +// NewFieldCodec returns a FieldCodec for the given Measurement. Must be called with
34 +// a RLock that protects the Measurement.
35 +func NewFieldCodec(fields map[string]*Field) *FieldCodec {
36 + fieldsByID := make(map[uint8]*Field, len(fields))
37 + fieldsByName := make(map[string]*Field, len(fields))
38 + for _, f := range fields {
39 + fieldsByID[f.ID] = f
40 + fieldsByName[f.Name] = f
41 + }
42 + return &FieldCodec{fieldsByID: fieldsByID, fieldsByName: fieldsByName}
43 +}
44 +
45 +// FieldIDByName returns the ID for the given field.
46 +func (f *FieldCodec) FieldIDByName(s string) (uint8, error) {
47 + fi := f.fieldsByName[s]
48 + if fi == nil {
49 + return 0, ErrFieldNotFound
50 + }
51 + return fi.ID, nil
52 +}
53 +
54 +// DecodeByID scans a byte slice for a field with the given ID, converts it to its
55 +// expected type, and return that value.
56 +func (f *FieldCodec) DecodeByID(targetID uint8, b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
57 + var value interface{}
58 + for {
59 + if len(b) == 0 {
60 + // No more bytes.
61 + return nil, ErrFieldNotFound
62 + }
63 +
64 + field := f.fieldsByID[b[0]]
65 + if field == nil {
66 + // This can happen, though is very unlikely. If this node receives encoded data, to be written
67 + // to disk, and is queried for that data before its metastore is updated, there will be no field
68 + // mapping for the data during decode. All this can happen because data is encoded by the node
69 + // that first received the write request, not the node that actually writes the data to disk.
70 + // So if this happens, the read must be aborted.
71 + return nil, ErrFieldUnmappedID
72 + }
73 +
74 + switch field.Type {
75 + case fieldFloat:
76 + if field.ID == targetID {
77 + value = math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[1:9]))
78 + }
79 + b = b[9:]
80 + case fieldInteger:
81 + if field.ID == targetID {
82 + value = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[1:9]))
83 + }
84 + b = b[9:]
85 + case fieldBoolean:
86 + if field.ID == targetID {
87 + value = b[1] == 1
88 + }
89 + b = b[2:]
90 + case fieldString:
91 + length := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[1:3])
92 + if field.ID == targetID {
93 + value = string(b[3 : 3+length])
94 + }
95 + b = b[3+length:]
96 + default:
97 + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported value type during decode by id: %T", field.Type))
98 + }
99 +
100 + if value != nil {
101 + return value, nil
102 + }
103 + }
104 +}
105 +
106 +// DecodeByName scans a byte slice for a field with the given name, converts it to its
107 +// expected type, and return that value.
108 +func (f *FieldCodec) DecodeByName(name string, b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
109 + fi := f.FieldByName(name)
110 + if fi == nil {
111 + return 0, ErrFieldNotFound
112 + }
113 + return f.DecodeByID(fi.ID, b)
114 +}
115 +
116 +// FieldByName returns the field by its name. It will return a nil if not found
117 +func (f *FieldCodec) FieldByName(name string) *Field {
118 + return f.fieldsByName[name]
119 +}
1 +// Pacage tsdb abstracts the various shard types supported by the influx_tsm command.
2 +package tsdb // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/cmd/influx_tsm/tsdb"
3 +
4 +import (
5 + "fmt"
6 + "os"
7 + "path"
8 + "path/filepath"
9 + "sort"
10 + "time"
11 +
12 + "github.com/boltdb/bolt"
13 + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/pkg/slices"
14 +)
15 +
16 +// Flags for differentiating between engines
17 +const (
18 + B1 = iota
19 + BZ1
20 + TSM1
21 +)
22 +
23 +// EngineFormat holds the flag for the engine
24 +type EngineFormat int
25 +
26 +// String returns the string format of the engine.
27 +func (e EngineFormat) String() string {
28 + switch e {
29 + case TSM1:
30 + return "tsm1"
31 + case B1:
32 + return "b1"
33 + case BZ1:
34 + return "bz1"
35 + default:
36 + panic("unrecognized shard engine format")
37 + }
38 +}
39 +
40 +// ShardInfo is the description of a shard on disk.
41 +type ShardInfo struct {
42 + Database string
43 + RetentionPolicy string
44 + Path string
45 + Format EngineFormat
46 + Size int64
47 +}
48 +
49 +// FormatAsString returns the format of the shard as a string.
50 +func (s *ShardInfo) FormatAsString() string {
51 + return s.Format.String()
52 +}
53 +
54 +// FullPath returns the full path to the shard, given the data directory root.
55 +func (s *ShardInfo) FullPath(dataPath string) string {
56 + return filepath.Join(dataPath, s.Database, s.RetentionPolicy, s.Path)
57 +}
58 +
59 +// ShardInfos is an array of ShardInfo
60 +type ShardInfos []*ShardInfo
61 +
62 +func (s ShardInfos) Len() int { return len(s) }
63 +func (s ShardInfos) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
64 +func (s ShardInfos) Less(i, j int) bool {
65 + if s[i].Database == s[j].Database {
66 + if s[i].RetentionPolicy == s[j].RetentionPolicy {
67 + return s[i].Path < s[j].Path
68 + }
69 +
70 + return s[i].RetentionPolicy < s[j].RetentionPolicy
71 + }
72 +
73 + return s[i].Database < s[j].Database
74 +}
75 +
76 +// Databases returns the sorted unique set of databases for the shards.
77 +func (s ShardInfos) Databases() []string {
78 + dbm := make(map[string]bool)
79 + for _, ss := range s {
80 + dbm[ss.Database] = true
81 + }
82 +
83 + var dbs []string
84 + for k := range dbm {
85 + dbs = append(dbs, k)
86 + }
87 + sort.Strings(dbs)
88 + return dbs
89 +}
90 +
91 +// FilterFormat returns a copy of the ShardInfos, with shards of the given
92 +// format removed.
93 +func (s ShardInfos) FilterFormat(fmt EngineFormat) ShardInfos {
94 + var a ShardInfos
95 + for _, si := range s {
96 + if si.Format != fmt {
97 + a = append(a, si)
98 + }
99 + }
100 + return a
101 +}
102 +
103 +// Size returns the space on disk consumed by the shards.
104 +func (s ShardInfos) Size() int64 {
105 + var sz int64
106 + for _, si := range s {
107 + sz += si.Size
108 + }
109 + return sz
110 +}
111 +
112 +// ExclusiveDatabases returns a copy of the ShardInfo, with shards associated
113 +// with the given databases present. If the given set is empty, all databases
114 +// are returned.
115 +func (s ShardInfos) ExclusiveDatabases(exc []string) ShardInfos {
116 + var a ShardInfos
117 +
118 + // Empty set? Return everything.
119 + if len(exc) == 0 {
120 + a = make(ShardInfos, len(s))
121 + copy(a, s)
122 + return a
123 + }
124 +
125 + for _, si := range s {
126 + if slices.Exists(exc, si.Database) {
127 + a = append(a, si)
128 + }
129 + }
130 + return a
131 +}
132 +
133 +// Database represents an entire database on disk.
134 +type Database struct {
135 + path string
136 +}
137 +
138 +// NewDatabase creates a database instance using data at path.
139 +func NewDatabase(path string) *Database {
140 + return &Database{path: path}
141 +}
142 +
143 +// Name returns the name of the database.
144 +func (d *Database) Name() string {
145 + return path.Base(d.path)
146 +}
147 +
148 +// Path returns the path to the database.
149 +func (d *Database) Path() string {
150 + return d.path
151 +}
152 +
153 +// Shards returns information for every shard in the database.
154 +func (d *Database) Shards() ([]*ShardInfo, error) {
155 + fd, err := os.Open(d.path)
156 + if err != nil {
157 + return nil, err
158 + }
159 +
160 + // Get each retention policy.
161 + rps, err := fd.Readdirnames(-1)
162 + if err != nil {
163 + return nil, err
164 + }
165 +
166 + // Process each retention policy.
167 + var shardInfos []*ShardInfo
168 + for _, rp := range rps {
169 + rpfd, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(d.path, rp))
170 + if err != nil {
171 + return nil, err
172 + }
173 +
174 + // Process each shard
175 + shards, err := rpfd.Readdirnames(-1)
176 + if err != nil {
177 + return nil, err
178 + }
179 +
180 + for _, sh := range shards {
181 + fmt, sz, err := shardFormat(filepath.Join(d.path, rp, sh))
182 + if err != nil {
183 + return nil, err
184 + }
185 +
186 + si := &ShardInfo{
187 + Database: d.Name(),
188 + RetentionPolicy: path.Base(rp),
189 + Path: sh,
190 + Format: fmt,
191 + Size: sz,
192 + }
193 + shardInfos = append(shardInfos, si)
194 + }
195 + }
196 +
197 + sort.Sort(ShardInfos(shardInfos))
198 + return shardInfos, nil
199 +}
200 +
201 +// shardFormat returns the format and size on disk of the shard at path.
202 +func shardFormat(path string) (EngineFormat, int64, error) {
203 + // If it's a directory then it's a tsm1 engine
204 + fi, err := os.Stat(path)
205 + if err != nil {
206 + return 0, 0, err
207 + }
208 + if fi.Mode().IsDir() {
209 + return TSM1, fi.Size(), nil
210 + }
211 +
212 + // It must be a BoltDB-based engine.
213 + db, err := bolt.Open(path, 0666, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 1 * time.Second})
214 + if err != nil {
215 + return 0, 0, err
216 + }
217 + defer db.Close()
218 +
219 + var format EngineFormat
220 + err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
221 + // Retrieve the meta bucket.
222 + b := tx.Bucket([]byte("meta"))
223 +
224 + // If no format is specified then it must be an original b1 database.
225 + if b == nil {
226 + format = B1
227 + return nil
228 + }
229 +
230 + // There is an actual format indicator.
231 + switch f := string(b.Get([]byte("format"))); f {
232 + case "b1", "v1":
233 + format = B1
234 + case "bz1":
235 + format = BZ1
236 + default:
237 + return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized engine format: %s", f)
238 + }
239 +
240 + return nil
241 + })
242 +
243 + return format, fi.Size(), err
244 +}
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